Sniper Elite 5

Sniper Elite 5

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Did this game do well commercially?
the low review count kind of worries me, but I heard it sold really well? I really want this franchise to succeed and continue :) thanks
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postmaster 5 Apr @ 12:33pm 
Friend. The problem with this "Franchise", has been, as far as the players (Punters) are concerned lies in a number of areas:
1. The four previous games were distinctly ;as per the titles, "SNIPER" games and thus they developed a strong following from players requiring a SNIPER game/games predominately.

2. However, for reasons best known to the Developers only, they turned Sniper Elite 5 away from it's following into Commando Elite 5 predominately.

3. In respect of doing this (2), they obviously carried on using their existing setup, which simply was not capable of supplying / coping with the goods.(Requirements).

4. I will not bore you with all or even part of the problems that came up, suggest you read back over the momentousness of complaints incorporated in this discussions forum (SE5) and it will tell you that which you are asking.

5. Add in finally, the RIP-Off pricing structures over all of this period, and YOU WILL KNOW ALL.
Future? If they continue with this stupidity, I would suggest that they will not do well.

Good Luck,friend.
mostly ignoring the salt overdose... yes the sniper elite games have usually sold well. se4 and se5 both still have people playing and replaying them.
Does anyone have any numbers? Generally, if games are abandoned within two years, it tends to indicate that they either broke even, or under-performed. However, with Rebellion games, two years is as much support* as they will get; with the exception of ZA4, due to its year or so Epic exclusivity.

*It's rather obvious that all the content in Rebellion games is pre-determined, and whatever is left out of the "base game" is just content drip-fed thereafter. That is to say, their games are not "supported" based on player activity or sales, as much as have existing content polished up for post-launch "DLC" sale. The fact that they failed to add a simple "Authentic Plus" option -- something that required no additional assets or content -- should tell people how 'engaged' with post-launch development they remain.

Originally posted by P0MK0NTHA1:
the low review count
Neary 17k reviews isn't bad, if you consider that less than half the people who play a game, review it (those who refund notwithstanding); and that the game was released on another four consoles. So, if we assume 35k sales on PC, and the equivalent on consoles, that's around a 150k+ copies... And at US$60 a pop, that's ~US$10M (not including later discounted sales or DLC).

This raises the obvious question: How much did the game cost to produce?
Last edited by Shoah Kahn; 6 Apr @ 5:39pm
there aren't any number i've found relating to production cost or cost vs gains. that said it holds fairly strong reviews over all and even 2 years later there are still people buying / playing it.
Positive review are "fakes", the most people don't know how to review the games. It's totally absurd this game has got 89% positive feedback when 90% of players said the 5 s*cks! the most is saying they are coming back in the 4 about the worst playing on the 5 (full of bugs and glitches)
MechBFP 29 Apr @ 1:59pm 
Originally posted by ☢Uranio88☢:
Positive review are "fakes", the most people don't know how to review the games. It's totally absurd this game has got 89% positive feedback when 90% of players said the 5 s*cks! the most is saying they are coming back in the 4 about the worst playing on the 5 (full of bugs and glitches)

I played for 4 and this one, and this one is very good as well. Literally like both of them. This one definitely has some obvious bugs, but nothing particularly game breaking. I also like the maps on this one more compared to 4.

Maybe get out of your echo chamber?
If you're a fan of the Sniper Elite series, SE5 is another welcome edition. The haters are probably looking for more of a simulation feel. If you want that, play on the hardest modes. Those get closer to the simulation feel.
can play SE5 as pure snipering using stealth etc. Or - can go Rambo and go nuts. Choices are there.
MadZec 30 Apr @ 10:13pm 
Sniper Elite 5 like any Sniper Elite games can be played any way you want.... you can play it full stealth mode or go full rambo mode, plus each map has loads of collectibles every map is huge open world map and has loads secondary targets and also loads of different ways to eliminate targets.... for example you can shoot target or place bomb in targets car or place poison in targets meal... options are huge.... game is huge for collectors....
Last edited by MadZec; 30 Apr @ 10:15pm
Originally posted by MadZec:
...also loads of different ways to eliminate targets.... or place bomb in targets car
How does one do this? I read lots of chat about some doing that in the Spy Academy mission on the car one of the targets is supposed to get in, but I never saw a way to place the bomb, and the target never got in the car anyway.
Last edited by Frag Maniac; 1 May @ 8:10am
MadZec 1 May @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by Frag Maniac:
Originally posted by MadZec:
...also loads of different ways to eliminate targets.... or place bomb in targets car
How does one do this? I read lots of chat about some doing that in the Spy Academy mission on the car one of the targets is supposed to get in, but I never saw a way to place the bomb, and the target never got in the car anyway.
To be honest you would have to look it up, I played it up some time ago but every, EVERY mission has multiple solutions. Often for some you would have to find stuff on the map or to pick up routes of the targets by viewing it. But for example if you alert target at X he will move t Y lose chance to kill it at X..... etc.... example is at Wolf Mountain DLC you can place bomb under toilet in Hitler house but if you are spoted he will not go in toilet... ergo no boom on toilet... etc.... but there are still other options that still counts...
Originally posted by MadZec:
...example is at Wolf Mountain DLC you can place bomb under toilet in Hitler house but if you are spoted he will not go in toilet... ergo no boom on toilet...
Funny how you mention the ONLY mission I ever caught up to the target when he was actually in the car and about to take off. I could not successfully sneak up behind the vehicle though so I just tossed grenades at it and killed him and everyone else in it. LOL
Last edited by Frag Maniac; 1 May @ 4:21pm
Basically, when you setup a trap, the game will trigger the target to go to that trap within a small period of time.
Originally posted by ChickenTacos:
Basically, when you setup a trap, the game will trigger the target to go to that trap within a small period of time.
The trick is in knowing how to setup the trap regarding chauffeured cars though, particularly how to place the bomb. I can only assume there's only one bomb that will work and it's well hidden somewhere? Then once you have it and sneak to the vehicle, a placement prompt appears?
Last edited by Frag Maniac; 2 May @ 2:34pm
MadZec 2 May @ 5:05pm 
Originally posted by Frag Maniac:
Originally posted by ChickenTacos:
Basically, when you setup a trap, the game will trigger the target to go to that trap within a small period of time.
The trick is in knowing how to setup the trap regarding chauffeured cars though, particularly how to place the bomb. I can only assume there's only one bomb that will work and it's well hidden somewhere? Then once you have it and sneak to the vehicle, a placement prompt appears?

Yea it is often little tricky to find traps and especially since game IS called SNIPER ELITE 5 I often preffer to go to hit target to highest distance possible and not to try to sneak in commando mode to place traps... I mean there is reason why I get game to play sniper style... It is funny where you can to kill Hitler with bomb by placing bomb in his personal bowling bowls and have his bowling pin stuck in his head but for that you have to explore all over..... I tried to kill him from highest distance possible....
Like most targets in the game. Only few of them I got on the trap and usually i got on accident... and only if I looked for trap for it.
But again game is called SNIPER ELITE 5..... not placing traps elite....
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