Bakery Simulator

Bakery Simulator

17 nov 2023, ore 4:03
Bakery Simulator launches on Xbox One
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Wäre noch schön gewesen wenn ihr das spiel noch weiter verbessert hättet ....
deswegen keinen Daumen nach oben
Nice! I love this game and have played through quite a few times. Any plans for future updates?
So you are porting it to xbox even though you stopped all fixes and support?? Wow.....
is it coming to ps5?
Auf dem PC haben sie es verkackt und wollen jetzt noch Kohle von den Konsolenspielern abgreifen....echt traurig :steamfacepalm:
Ultima modifica da Pepperina; 17 nov 2023, ore 9:11
Siete scomparsi da anni senza mai portare aggiornamenti o novità ed avete anche il coraggio di lanciare il gioco su Xbox?!?!?!? Ma non vi vergognate?
Messaggio originale di Sephy:
So you are porting it to xbox even though you stopped all fixes and support?? Wow.....

Likely through a third party publisher who would have just ported what's there and never updated it again even if the game weren't abandoned. Console ports of Playway-related games always seem to be traps. :steamsad:
PO CO??!! ta gra została porzucona przez twórców.
WHY?!!! this game has been abandoned by the developers.
Of course you're gonna make a quick buck after leaving the game radio silent for years. Ya'll are garbage fr.
the real messed up part about all this, is if you guys just fixed the damn games core bugs and issues, it would probably end up being a big success in terms of cozy sims.
At least put it on the better console that doesn't overheat on day one. My xbox died literally day one lol. PS5 would be the way to go.
Ahahahahahah, buffoni, non vi siete mai degnati di fare un aggiornamento e lanciate il gioco su X - Box? NON COMPRATELO!!!!
Ultima modifica da mauridivi; 17 ago, ore 13:46
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