Age of Empires® III (2007)

Age of Empires® III (2007)

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Various tweaks (no pause window, higher zoom, no fog, no intro, no homecity lag)
Dear fellow AoE III players,

The following is a list of little tweaks to AoE III which I collected for my personal use, but since I figured there might be others with similar playstyle habits, I thought I'd share them just in case.

Please note: most of these tweaks are for singleplayer only.

Always make backups of the files you change as you might need to restore them if something goes wrong or if you want to play multiplayer that requires unaltered config files.

Removing the pause window:

Browse to your Users folder and find the Age of Empires 3 directory. It’s typically in C:\Users\YourWindowsUsername\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3. Once there, open the Startup folder, create a new file and name it „user.cfg”.
Open this file with notepad and paste the following line into it:


That’s it, save and close the file. Now when you pause the game, only a white pause text should appear, letting you issue orders conveniently without that big, obstructive pause window blocking your view.

Disabling the intro cinematics:

Open the user.cfg file you created in the previous step (see above) and paste the following into a new line:


Disabling the Fog of War and revealing the map:

Browse to the Startup folder in your main Age of Empires 3 directory (in your Program Files or Steam folder by default) . If you’re playing the Asian Dynasties expansion, open gamey.con with notepad. (Otherwise it’s game.con for the base game and gamex.con for the Warchiefs expansion, but you only need to edit the one you’re playing)

Copy/paste the following code to the very end of the file:

map ("alt-y", "game", "blackmap") map ("alt-c", "game", "fog")

Save and close the file. Once you’re in a game, just press Alt+Y to reveal the map and Alt+C to remove the fog of war.
You can also edit the code to change the hotkeys to whatever you like. Just replace "alt-y" and "alt-c" with the keys you prefer.

Zooming out further (increased max zoom distance):

In the Age of Empires 3\Startup folder, open gamey.cfg (for Asian Dynasties; otherwise it's game.cfg for the base game or gamex.cfg for the Warchiefs expansion) with notepad and search for the word "normalZoom". It'll appear in a line like this: normalZoom=50. Change the 50 to something else like:


This will let you zoom out further than the default limit. You can experiment with any number you prefer but if you want to set it higher than 65, you will need to set the Shader Quality in the graphics options to "High" or lower, otherwise a white fog will obscure everything at zoom levels above 65 if the Shader Quality is set to "Very High".

Keep in mind that this is for singleplayer - if it works in multiplayer, it may be considered cheating due to the advantage the larger field of view would give over those playing at the default limits.

Fixing homecity lag (and reactivating the in-game music):

This issue may not affect everyone, but if you’re experiencing low framerates in certain homecities this may fix your issue:

In your (Windows) Start Menu, open the Control Panel and access the Regional Settings (may be called Region and Language Options) and change the Sorting Order from Default to Technical (or alternatively, change the Format to English (United States)).
That’s it, start the game and there’s a good chance your previously laggy homecities will now be running smooth as silk. As an added bonus, in-game music will also work now if it didn’t before.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Raydell; 7.2.2016 klo 17.18
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Bumping just in case the new players coming in with the sale find any of this useful. :)
Sweet, thanks for sharing. Very useful stuff for making game more enjoyable.
Hey, Raydell, you're the man!! Thanks so much for sharing this bit of advice concerning the home city lag - it was annoying as hell! (I never would have thought that it could be fixed via the region and language options...:O)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on PetydeNecro; 29.11.2014 klo 10.58
The home city lag fix works well, thanks.
Good stuff! I've already got the pause screen and intro videos disabled but I think I'll take a look at the zoom one as well as it annoys me a bit too. I wouldn't consider it cheating in multiplayer - those with bigger PC screens can already see more of the map than those with smaller displays! I also use a script which enabled rotating buildings in multiplayer - again not considered cheating as it's purely cosmetic.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Cooper Kid; 27.5.2015 klo 15.15
Thanks guys, good to see my old post still helps people. :)
Thanks for the helpful post.

was looking for a way to change the zoom level, I changed in all 3 files (game, gamex and gamey.exe) the MaxZoom from 60 to 160 ... then 300 ... and finally to 1'000 ... but nothing changes in my opinion....?
Hmm, you're right. I just tested it myself and perhaps something changed since the time I made my post, but it's now the "normalZoom" variable (just below the "maxZoom" one) that seems to control the maximum zoom level. Strangely enough, the maxZoom variable doesn't seem to do anything anymore, just like you said.

So if you want to change your zoom level, you need to change the "normalZoom" variable from the default 50 to something higher. My old numbers seem totally off in this regard, as at 160, it zooms out so far that nothing remains visible due to some white shader effect.

That white shader fog only appears when the Shader Quality (in the graphics options) is set to "Very High". Setting it to just "High" removes the fog, letting you zoom out to incredible distances.

On a sidenote, if you're playing the Asian Dynasties expansion, you only need to edit the gamey.cfg. The game.cfg and gamex.cfg are for the base game and the Warchiefs expansion.
(Alternatively, you can also put these tweaks into a "user.cfg" file in your C:\Users\YourWindowsUsername\Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Startup\ folder.)

In any case, thanks a lot for pointing out this problem, I'll update the OP with the correct instructions.


To change the zoom level, edit the gamey.cfg (if playing the Asian expansion) and change the "normalZoom=50" to something higher.

If you want to set it to anything higher than 65, you need to set the Shader Quality (in the graphics options) to "High" or lower, otherwise a white fog will cover everything at higher zoom levels when Shader Quality is set to "Very High".
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Raydell; 7.2.2016 klo 17.19
A word of caution to any new players - fiddling with the zoom settings will prevent you from being able to play online.
Removing the pause window and disabling the intro cinematics didn't work for me in my save game. Any help?
you are a god for figuring out how to solve laggy home town. hats off
hammbalint lähetti viestin:
you are a god for figuring out how to solve laggy home town. hats off
like thats such a random and obscure fix, and it freakin worked. thx
Is there something that can be done about lowering the volume of the alert horn?
Santi 27.11.2023 klo 10.31 
I had problem with stretched ui on widescreen resolutions.
Since i found no fix for this, it was a decider to me.

1.) Keep playing on widescren, since the gameplay itself is ok, only the menu/ui are stretched and deal with it.
2.) Set a 4:3 resolution (for example on a 1920x1080 screen set it to 1440x1080, thats a 4:3), and have a good looking ui but deal with the blackbars.

I picked option 2, since i was playing CS:GO back in the day with 4:3 blackbars, i had less problem adopting. I rather playing 4:3 but the game looks as it should, than stretched ugly ui.
Its a personal preference ofc, others pefer playing this widescreen despite the ui problem. Your choice, just share my thoughts here as a tip or tweak if u have same issue like me.

To topic opener (even is you not read this 10 years later): Huge thanks for solving laggy home town problem!
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Santi; 27.11.2023 klo 10.52
I can't find the startup folder... I'm playing through Steam, so for me it's Program Files (x86) > Steam > steamapps > common > Age of Empires 3
But then all I see from there is bin, directx, msxml, installscript.vdf and steam_appid.txt
I am playing AOE III complete collection (not "definition edition")
Where can I find the startup folder?

EDIT: The startup folder is in "bin," just have to scroll down a while.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Ben; 20.6. klo 17.35
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