Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot

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MXK 4 Jul, 2023 @ 6:39pm
View keeps on re-centering every time I look somewhere else!
It's infuriating! I just want to play the damn game, not chase after solution!
I started this game 4 times so far and can't get out of the tutorial without taking the HMD in anger.
Every time I look around and my head stays in one direction for more than 3 seconds, the view defaults where I look, but only my body! The chair and everything else stays stationary! WTF!? If I look at the red monitor to my left for too long all of a sudden I have that monitor in my face and the pull handle behind my back and I'm sitting with my shoulder where the seat is. It keeps on switching like that and it won't stay stationery. I have never experienced anything like it with any other game!
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MXK 29 Oct, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Thanks for the reply, but how am I supposed to actually use that in game? Constantly move the right joystick to the middle? Is this by design?
What is the default view option? I don't believe I've been screwing up with setting too much if at all. I usually keep everything on default, except for rotation being smooth. Can't stand snap rotation.
MXK 29 Oct, 2023 @ 5:55pm 
Originally posted by lightwo:
Originally posted by MXK:
Thanks for the reply, but how am I supposed to actually use that in game? Constantly move the right joystick to the middle? Is this by design?
What is the default view option? I don't believe I've been screwing up with setting too much if at all. I usually keep everything on default, except for rotation being smooth. Can't stand snap rotation.
Sorry about the hasty response.

The default view option follows the crosshair when it gets to edges of the screen. If you use smooth turn however (for me it uses right stick), the game uses this behaviour of recentering after a few seconds of the stick being turned to a direction.

What I do to recenter manually is that I push the stick downwards for a few seconds, since all that control does is descending the drone, which either does nothing or very little in most cases.
I don't even understand how was decided. That must be one of most baffling, idiotic decisions that have been ever made in VR game. Set the position, and let the player do the rest. How hard is that?
And now they won't even fix it!
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