New World

New World

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Fanta 29 Jul @ 11:49pm
Only 1945 Players WorldWide!

No Content, No Upgrades, No Future!
If Throne and Liberty comes out, many Companys will switch...

R.I.P New World
✓ 28.01.2021
† Q4/2024
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Showing 1-15 of 188 comments
Kenedori 30 Jul @ 1:00am 
You have an acute sense of the obvious.
ExplorerNMS 30 Jul @ 6:59am 
Please. Please. A moment of silence for the death of yet another PvP-focused-MMORPG.

But, let us remember that this tragedy was completely avoidable. If only the developers had done a little market research BEFORE they began planning then they would have known NOT to listen to PvP'ers.

The PvP-ers told the Developers that they wouldn't need content because everyone would be PvP-ing in the game. The PvP-ers told the Developers that PvE content is expensive, and it takes time, and requires constant updates. The PvP-ers told the Developers that a PvP-focused-mmorpg would require less time and less money and be more successful.

And these poor Developers believed what the PvP-ers were saying.
And just like all the other Developers who listened to the PvP-ers, they quickly discovered that everything the PvP'ers told them was a lie. Every bit of it.

So, it is with deep sorrow, that we add the name "NEW WORLD" to the looonnnggg list of PvP-focused-MMORPG's that failed. Darkfall Online. AION. ARCHAGE. Black Desert Online. (yes. Black Desert Online. the game that had to give itself away for free and now sells for 99cent.) And the list goes on. The Originally released Ultima Online. The originally released Albion Online. etc.
MaXxXine 30 Jul @ 7:23am 
T&L is a p2w mobile game lol, is worst than any worst state of NW...
Astro928 30 Jul @ 8:34am 
**** new world.
Crunktanium 30 Jul @ 10:16am 
Originally posted by ExplorerNMS:
Black Desert Online. the game that had to give itself away for free and now sells for 99cent.) And the list goes on.

Damn bro I paid $3.99 I feel so ripped off now.

But here's a little prediction of the future of gaming. The MMO model is DEAD with today's generation and EXPECTATION where a majority want's/expects everyone else to pay for them to play. The F2P model is also on it's last leg as the only way it even slightly survives anymore is with gambling. Without the masses of kids gambling on artificial rarity there is no incentive or drive for the overall base to contribute anything. Now the whales don't see enough tuna to sport the expensive shiny stuff around and they too have no drive to stay. Sure some people will always buy dyes or skins or trinkets. However that will barely put a dent in the overall revenue lost by not having forced subscriptions. So the real problem with all games today is not PVE or PVP or P2W or whatever bullish some players want to believe. It's purely due to the lack of sustainable profitability in today's market.

Nobody can crank out enough content out the gate to even contend with the dinosaurs like GW2/WOW and players unrealistic expectations. Every game on the horizon will all be scraping the barrel with barely enough profit to stay afloat. Even if they knock it out the park at launch like PalWorld anything that goes up will eventually fall. Unless of course you have a loyal player base to keep it up and those types of players just aren't as abundant these day's as they were a decade ago. The PVPer's and the PVEer's will continue to have tug o wars over who's minuscule sums of money is most valuable. In the end the players will destroy everything they loathe out of spite for not getting their way.

It's not the developers fault they are pulled in 20 different directions and try to appease all sides with seasons or meta's and such. Every player today think's they know the magic formula and the people with things like behavioral degrees to which these companies employ are clueless. Except we as players don't have the internal data to prove a damn thing and all we can do is speculate what if. Many players throw darts tirelessly thinking it's not that hard for a development studio to hit a bullseye. Except hitting a bullseye at random is not the same as doing it repeatedly which is needed to sustain profits. These companies have to spend lot's of money and time on market and behavior research/trends and by the time they can actually turn the ship in a different direction it's often too late to dodge the iceberg.

Hopefully the industry will flip the script and give today's gamer's a taste of the days when games you could beat in a week would cost $40-60 a pop. You repeated the same 8-bit levels over and over and over for months or even year's just trying to improve your score. PONG was a massive success once upon a time. Some basic lines and dots moving on a screen probably made more way back then than most MMO's make today. And the reason games were successful back then is that everything around us was not disposable. People valued what they had vs what everyone else had. People also had savings where now most of the world has debt. And today's society are damn proud to have plastic trinkets from Temu or ChinaMart that will probably break the second time used it in exchange for massive piles debt.

In the end it's the government, it's the studios, it's the developers, it's the designers, it's some random foreign dictator or a random internet meme that crapped all over your favorite game and never will the masses admit "it's WE the current player base". So mark my words here and remember them as NW isn't dying. The MMO genre as a whole is DEAD and it won't be reborn by anything getting released this in decade if ever.
Dogtatokun 30 Jul @ 10:20am 
Originally posted by Crunktanium:
Originally posted by ExplorerNMS:
Black Desert Online. the game that had to give itself away for free and now sells for 99cent.) And the list goes on.

Damn bro I paid $3.99 I feel so ripped off now.

But here's a little prediction of the future of gaming. The MMO model is DEAD with today's generation and EXPECTATION where a majority want's/expects everyone else to pay for them to play. The F2P model is also on it's last leg as the only way it even slightly survives anymore is with gambling. Without the masses of kids gambling on artificial rarity there is no incentive or drive for the overall base to contribute anything. Now the whales don't see enough tuna to sport the expensive shiny stuff around and they too have no drive to stay. Sure some people will always buy dyes or skins or trinkets. However that will barely put a dent in the overall revenue lost by not having forced subscriptions. So the real problem with all games today is not PVE or PVP or P2W or whatever bullish some players want to believe. It's purely due to the lack of sustainable profitability in today's market.

Nobody can crank out enough content out the gate to even contend with the dinosaurs like GW2/WOW and players unrealistic expectations. Every game on the horizon will all be scraping the barrel with barely enough profit to stay afloat. Even if they knock it out the park at launch like PalWorld anything that goes up will eventually fall. Unless of course you have a loyal player base to keep it up and those types of players just aren't as abundant these day's as they were a decade ago. The PVPer's and the PVEer's will continue to have tug o wars over who's minuscule sums of money is most valuable. In the end the players will destroy everything they loathe out of spite for not getting their way.

It's not the developers fault they are pulled in 20 different directions and try to appease all sides with seasons or meta's and such. Every player today think's they know the magic formula and the people with things like behavioral degrees to which these companies employ are clueless. Except we as players don't have the internal data to prove a damn thing and all we can do is speculate what if. Many players throw darts tirelessly thinking it's not that hard for a development studio to hit a bullseye. Except hitting a bullseye at random is not the same as doing it repeatedly which is needed to sustain profits. These companies have to spend lot's of money and time on market and behavior research/trends and by the time they can actually turn the ship in a different direction it's often too late to dodge the iceberg.

Hopefully the industry will flip the script and give today's gamer's a taste of the days when games you could beat in a week would cost $40-60 a pop. You repeated the same 8-bit levels over and over and over for months or even year's just trying to improve your score. PONG was a massive success once upon a time. Some basic lines and dots moving on a screen probably made more way back then than most MMO's make today. And the reason games were successful back then is that everything around us was not disposable. People valued what they had vs what everyone else had. People also had savings where now most of the world has debt. And today's society are damn proud to have plastic trinkets from Temu or ChinaMart that will probably break the second time used it in exchange for massive piles debt.

In the end it's the government, it's the studios, it's the developers, it's the designers, it's some random foreign dictator or a random internet meme that crapped all over your favorite game and never will the masses admit "it's WE the current player base". So mark my words here and remember them as NW isn't dying. The MMO genre as a whole is DEAD and it won't be reborn by anything getting released this in decade if ever.
Good thing that NW is not a MMO nor has it ever been.
Gilver 30 Jul @ 12:10pm 
damn Paid 15 bucks for BDO

Yes to many player have to high expectations,but at the same time,if there was never a BG3 or The Witcher3 the players would never have (more or less) high expectation on how a story based game should look now.
If there was never a BDO or Warframe or a Tera Online most players would not have this high expectation on how ( action? )gameplay "should look" now.

So its a 50% players fault,but at the same time to many players complain abaout to much,for example the gameplay in TL i dont think its that bad yes the hit feedback feels a bit low and could get some improvement but overall its looks/plays somekind well and with the new patch in Korea they add more things to the gameplay.
We have to wait and see what its really looks like,the same with NW its a solid gameplay the builds are a bit low i would say, only 3 skills for each weapon you can use? and the skill tree is not that big/has that much variety.
The world design is really good,the character editor meanwhile is.....well not that good.
cyndare 30 Jul @ 3:47pm 
Again, really wish folks would do their homework before making comments that they can't back up. Those numbers were from the middle of the night in NA, so of course numbers are going to be low, Steam Charts as of 40 mins ago has over 3K players on. I have been playing since launch and last week for the first time in months I was in a login queue to enter the game.

Launching on console will only bring more people into the game. Folks do your research before jumping on a topic post this toxic.
Originally posted by cyndare:
Again, really wish folks would do their homework before making comments that they can't back up. Those numbers were from the middle of the night in NA, so of course numbers are going to be low, Steam Charts as of 40 mins ago has over 3K players on. I have been playing since launch and last week for the first time in months I was in a login queue to enter the game.

Launching on console will only bring more people into the game. Folks do your research before jumping on a topic post this toxic.
I wish people would do research and realize the EU and Asian countries make up the majority of the player base to this game.
biblogop 30 Jul @ 11:00pm 
Originally posted by Fanta:
Only 1945 Players WorldWide!

No Content, No Upgrades, No Future!
If Throne and Liberty comes out, many Companys will switch...

R.I.P New World
✓ 28.01.2021
† Q4/2024

The new world has not died yet, it will die when the servers are closed.
If you like New World as such, then you are unlikely to find a yorself a place in Throne And Liberty!. I've been trying to play this game for 3 days now. And the feeling of nausea does not leave me. A bunch of unnecessary events, a million poop every day for every entry into the game and everything else that is typical to this type of MMOs. Disgusting combat system with disgusting timings and cooldowns. An undisguised and developer-approved pay-to-win system. Colorful game setting with constantly glowing iridescent colors of the entire rainbow ♥♥♥♥.
You will have little choice, either you will get used to this crap, or you will just forget.

If you decide to get used to it and, getting used to it through tears, continue to play, then it means you just caved in. The developers fully feed their culture with their habits and interests, which are not characteristic of my personal mentality.
Personally, I’d rather continue playing new world from scratch on a new server than dive deeper into this ♥♥♥♥ called TL.
I’m also giving a small chance to a game that will be released soon called Core Punk.
Indie MMO games have a larger online player base.
Originally posted by Eciepecie:
Indie MMO games have a larger online player base.
There are indie mmos?
Originally posted by Korintheblack:
Originally posted by Eciepecie:
Indie MMO games have a larger online player base.
There are indie mmos?
Kilsubub 31 Jul @ 10:24am 
Originally posted by Eciepecie:
Originally posted by Korintheblack:
There are indie mmos?

Name one?
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