Space Pirates and Zombies

Space Pirates and Zombies

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Rektalizer 30 Jun, 2023 @ 12:27pm
Anyone playing with Fight for Universe? Huge issue I bumped into
So far the mod played pretty well, the mass bombs are OP, but it's mostly because point defense is broken in this mod. Other than that a lot of ways to cheese around certain things. However I am completely stuck at the story mission where you need to assault a science base to get the beam. Bases in this mod are INSANE. While in normal game it was fairly easy to take down T1, T2 bases, here it seems like all the bases are absolute beasts with at least 40-60k hp shield and huge health pool. Not even talking about weaponry that takes down M size ships in matter of seconds. And I was going in to the mission thinking that it would be an unchanged science base from OG game with fair hp and weaponry.

However, I was met by a 60k shield monster that was shreding down my ships as soon as I am close enough to shoot it. I am already 10 tech levels higher than the mission system and I am not sure there's anything that will help me with it. Is it suppose to be like this or am I missing some kind of approach here?
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CordialVillain 16 Jul, 2023 @ 4:41am 
Oh yeah I forgot how bad mass bombs could be with that mod. Best course of action is to either lower difficulty (Which if I remember rightly, doesn't help that much), or join in on the mass bomb spam and build mass-bomb equipped ships yourself.

Oh, and the modified version of Universe has nerfed mass bombs, apparently.
Last edited by CordialVillain; 16 Jul, 2023 @ 5:30am
Duros001 4 Aug, 2023 @ 12:14pm 
I'm getting a crash (seems to happen when my beacon gets infected), I thought this mod fixed that bug/crash?
Honestly. A lot of things bug me about FFU. Such as the complete lack of balance. With enemies being able to use tech that far surpases your hard cap. (Lvl 7-10 tech at chapter 2 and lvl 9-10 tech at chapter 3.)
You don't know what pain it is to fight "Invincible" ships which have cloaks that can resist tens of thousands of damage while they sport micro titan beams that blast you 5 new holes before you can even say space.
This and with how broken stations are, forces you to go into a highly passive play style until at least chapter 4. Sucking off the UTA with warp gate bribes and buying every blueprint like an upstanding galactic citizen.
Which just heavily amplifies SPAZ's base issue of grinding.

I personally would nerf both stations and mass bombs a lot- Also rid of the "Invincible" ships, as they are ridiculous.
TSP 2 Sep, 2023 @ 9:51pm 
FFU would benefit a lot from a balance pass. The problem started with the big beef mod as that scaled up player power very considerably with those bigger hangars.

Then came the official bounty hunter update, which introduced those "same class size but actually almost a class higher" units.

What doesn't help either in FFU is the absolute gigantic AOE sizes of station destruction later on. The AI usually isn't able ro get away in time and boom, there goes your 50.000+ ship.
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