Destiny 2
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Dual Destiny sucks
The mission is extremely unfun and I can't imagine farming for a crazy chance at a good roll. It's so bad.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 111 σχόλια
Idk after the whole khostov glitch i'm not touching any other secret exotic quests.
What i am more mad about is the fact, that we again are forced to build some kind of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ group before entering this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mission... Its 2024 Bungie! Either implement Matchmaking or make it Soloable! And dont come at me with LFG. I hate this feature. Its toxic as hell. "OH you dont got the right Stats, bye!" "GOGO 2 Minute Run, or i leave bye" etc.

I dont need Bungie to socialize me.

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Kamio; 11 Ιουν, 19:53
This mission is a ton of fun to do with a friend. Once you figure out what you are supposed to do, you can do it fairly fast. ~30 mins. Beats doing the Overthrow for a sword. That ♥♥♥♥ is boring as hell and still take at least 15-20 minutes.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Kamio:
What i am more mad about is the fact, that we again are forced to build some kind of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ group before entering this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mission... Its 2024 Bungie! Either implement Matchmaking or make it Soloable! And dont come at me with LFG. I hate this feature. Its toxic as hell. "OH you dont got the right Stats, bye!" "GOGO 2 Minute Run, or i leave bye" etc.

I dont need Bungie to socialize me.
Oh god this entirely. LRG and FTF will end up dissolving 99% of the time because someone touches grass. Like I'll even have my lobby as like new player friendly or whatever and still some dude at the max LL will join in, see that I don't have a triple 100 stat, then leave. Like bro. It's a casual ass outbreak perfected run. Tf.
Bro all I want one person help me play mission it’s so dumb u have play other ppl simply bc most ppl don’t like using mic I was txt a guy the symbol step he just didn’t even reply nun messages
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από iamcorn:
Yeah I'm not a fan of the two-man requirement.

Less a fan of it having some raid mechanics with a timer.

Timers in general just make me anxious.
Wanna play ? I can add u discord
Yeah I'm kind of disappointed, my own fault for making assumptions. Watching the pre release videos with the devs, when they said that there would be a new activity after the raid where you could farm the class item I stupidly thought they meant Excision. Which would have made sense as it is a 12 player matchmade activity it would have given people a reason to keep queuing and keeping it populated. But I see now Excision is now just one of the weekly pinnacle activities, meaning most people are only going to play it once per week and as time goes on and more people hit the pinnacle cap less are going to bother queuing for it. I would not be surprised if hitting 12 players starts to become an issue after 2 or 3 months as there is realistically no reason to do it once you hit max light.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από =RaggA=; 11 Ιουν, 21:09
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Das Big Hippo:
The mission is extremely unfun and I can't imagine farming for a crazy chance at a good roll. It's so bad.

yeah this is probaby why im not going to ugrade to anual pass
I don't care about the two person requirement because there is lfg for that, what I'm annoyed about is the raid level communication that is required.
Idk every other exotic quest/dungeon was able to be beaten solo not sure why bungie would do this but it's their game.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Jack of Blades; 11 Ιουν, 21:51
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Kamio:
What i am more mad about is the fact, that we again are forced to build some kind of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ group before entering this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ mission... Its 2024 Bungie! Either implement Matchmaking or make it Soloable! And dont come at me with LFG. I hate this feature. Its toxic as hell. "OH you dont got the right Stats, bye!" "GOGO 2 Minute Run, or i leave bye" etc.

I dont need Bungie to socialize me.

I wondered if i would be the only one with these feelings so your post was, sadly, refreshing to see. I am an old gamer, an old guardian when it comes to Destiny, and after over 10 years it's clear that even though Bungie have implemented more content for us solo players, forcing everyone to pair up either with friends or using lfg does show they are deaf and blind to those of us in the community who literally do not wish to engage with the game in this way. The mission itself looks amazing, and i have no issue at all with the design. Literally let those who are genuinely unable to team up have the freedom of choice to do so.

For me personally, over the years i have tried lfg, and matchmaking generally, and even attempted to trust people enough to class them as gaming friends. And at all times it ended up being toxic and a long way from genuine. I have forced myself to try and adapt to Bungie's occasional ignorance of those of us with real mental health restrictions, and it has always ended up proving me right.

So, here we have an important part of the expansion, exotic class items, locked behind a mission that refuses to let us complete it solo unless we suddenly make a friend or trust to lfg. Sorry Bungie but i am done putting myself through that kind of hell for your satisfaction. So no exotic class item for me. And whilst on the matter, no Pathfinder engagement because it only entails ritual activities. And i may not even finish the campaign because it involves the new strike and i have been waiting for ten years to have the option to run strikes solo.

Anyway, Kamio.....i understand your reaction. I hope you find a way to either attempt and complete this mission, or accept that its not going to happen in its current form and move on to activities you can do by yourself. At least, i hear, the Pale Heart patrol area is solo instanced. Bungie at least showed that they can respect us individuals who prefer the lone gaming experience. Just a pity that they then suddenly forget about us just as quickly.
After seeing everyone praise Final Shape I was gonna grab it sometime this week, but this and the fact that episodes are just seasons with more timegating has really put me off.
Dual Destiny's only real difficulty is on people's ability to communicate reliably.

Which I get not everybody have a reliable friend, or mic. Which sucks, but it is what it is.

My brother and my first clear was rough, did it blind. I was stressing about having to help my clan mates run through it.
But just now, we had to do it again because we realized that's where the rest of the 6 feathers are for the title. Cleared it all casual like. Now we're planning on farming it all day long tomorrow.

Honestly, just learn the mechanic, and make friendship with someone who isn't technophobic, utilise Discord for clearer comms. It's honestly cake walk, especially if you have Khvostov-0X.
The dual destiny is a a good Idea but how they executed on how to get this mission done is stupid on all levels if they want this game to grow for final shape episodes good luck they make each exotic mission more and more difficult ever since this expansion and the exotic sucks half of the time or gets nerfed ultimately the biggest time waster. my passion for the game dies each week the supposedly "lore accurate guardian" but i need someone else what kind of game forces you to play how they want.

No more money for you bungie you suck.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 111 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 11 Ιουν, 17:31
Αναρτήσεις: 111