Destiny 2
Nerf Hunters, Buff Titans
Welcome to the echo chamber. Problem is, I don't agree. Hunters are 'S' tier, yes. Do they need to get nerfed? No. Titans are 'A' tier, yes. Do they need to get buffed? No. Does every class need to be 'A' tier at the same time? No. I play all 3 classes equally and enjoy the dynamics.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 27 σχόλια
Titan is C tier at best. Titan has no dynamics and yes all classes need to be the same tier. NTM Titans have been C tier for years while warlocks and hunters are the obvious favorite child of the devs for years. Its not a surprise only 3 titans actually finished salvations edge in contest mode when the raid first came out!
hunters are good at pvp and boss dps and ♥♥♥♥ everywhere else
warlocks are good at pve and boss dps and ♥♥♥♥ in pvp
titans are good at pve and ♥♥♥♥ at everything else

this is a pve game so it doesn't even matter who is good and bad at pvp.
titans have the most builds but are still weak.

every aspect of strand titan has been gutted, stasis titan doesn't function, arc is built for pvp and nerfed for pvp, void is finally good this season and solar just has a boring gameplay loop , few builds and terrible supers.
overall titan just needs better supers.
prismatic titan needs better aspects. if it had controlled demo instead of unbreakable there would be no issues.
titans are unkillable in pve if melee is done right - the perfect choice in solo encounters, hunters just have more chaotic dmg they're playful to play with invis and that's kinda neat to run thru encounters with in a different way then what titans can do.
Warlocks are more snipery with heal that now synergizes with titans but can outsuper everything and everyone in pve, and they're melee with right exotic is quite powerful in pvp same as with titans.
Hunters don't have that melee in pvp as far as distance and lounge is concerned, not without offering things up considerably.
In the end, with the right build, you can make any class do any tasks, just slight differences in playstyle. It would be better to have it all in 1 character, but supposedly thats whats d3 is for.
I remember when i first played warlock after having only hunter for years, and i was amazed that just a single super just deleted the boss infront of me, what a time saver, it works the same in gm with champs and other things.
Titan is the "i'll rush in", hunter Support/revive dmg ad clear, warlock - saviour/hold the line.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Kormit the Frag:
hunters are good at pvp and boss dps and ♥♥♥♥ everywhere else
warlocks are good at pve and boss dps and ♥♥♥♥ in pvp
titans are good at pve and ♥♥♥♥ at everything else

this is a pve game so it doesn't even matter who is good and bad at pvp.
titans have the most builds but are still weak.

every aspect of strand titan has been gutted, stasis titan doesn't function, arc is built for pvp and nerfed for pvp, void is finally good this season and solar just has a boring gameplay loop , few builds and terrible supers.
overall titan just needs better supers.
prismatic titan needs better aspects. if it had controlled demo instead of unbreakable there would be no issues.
Strand titan is still good, don't know what would make you feel like its been gutted when the 2 nerfs its received were very negligible. Arc has always been good as well, mostly carried by exotic armor but still good. void has nothing at all because while we did get a new super and aspect, both suck and neither help the fact that Void Overshield doesn't help at all in PvE because it has such low health. Solar is just prismatic but worse.
One of my grandsons is a Titan main, he thinks Titans aren't doing so well, but he is a Titan main and sticks to his Titan anyway, no matter the nerf.

Odd thing is, we were talking about me experience with the starting mission for TFS and how I found it easier with my Titan than my Hunter, then he said the only time he feels vulnerable is on his Hunter... sigh. I think it might be a PvP thing, I mostly avoid PvP, so I don't know if my Hunter is great there or not. Scratch that, I suck at PvP, no matter the class LOL.
You know, Prismatic Titan imo seems to have meticulously gotten the least preferable aspects. At least Consecration and Drengr's lash are my LEAST used aspects in Solar and Strand respectively. Diamond Lance is fine, the new Void aspect is neat but I prefer it on pure void, Knock Out is cool.

I mean asking for Banner of War AND Sol Invictus might be asking for too much, but if they chose ANY Strand aspect other than Drengr's that would be so much better. They were way too caught up in 3x Consecration for some reason.
i still feel very proud of my Hunter and feel the coolest :D
3 titans 72 warlocks 90+ hunters... A tier my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass lmao.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από CasualitieZ:
3 titans 72 warlocks 90+ hunters... A tier my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass lmao.

There has always been more Hunters, even when Titans were broken. Hunter class somehow has always been popular.

Edit: Thanks for the Steam points.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από trukr; 30 Ιουλ, 23:27
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από trukr:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από CasualitieZ:
3 titans 72 warlocks 90+ hunters... A tier my ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass lmao.

There has always been more Hunters, even when Titans were broken. Hunter class somehow has always been popular.
Yep uh huh not a population difference of over 30x though.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από CasualitieZ:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από trukr:

There has always been more Hunters, even when Titans were broken. Hunter class somehow has always been popular.
Yep uh huh not a population difference of over 30x though.

Meh, I don't know where you got your numbers, I don't try to keep up with that, so I can't say whether or not that's accurate so will just assume your numbers are correct. I know my Titan main grandson does his PvP with his Titan and does pretty well, much better than me, I kind of suck at it.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από CasualitieZ:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από trukr:

Meh, I don't know where you got your numbers, I don't try to keep up with that, so I can't say whether or not that's accurate so will just assume your numbers are correct. I know my Titan main grandson does his PvP with his Titan and does pretty well, much better than me, I kind of suck at it.
Pretending to be stupid like you do in every single discussion in the forums... ok let me spell it out to you for the umpteenth time. 3 titans 72 warlocks 90+ hunters that number comes from the raid race and accounts for the team compositions of the top 50 teams that finished. There were 30 times more hunters than titans that finished and we dont get that number just because there are more hunters than titans in the overall game population, in 2021 it was revealed hunters were 38% of the playerbase with titans and warlocks making up 31% each. A few percentage points would not cause a gap of 30 times in the class representation for endgame activities we see those numbers because the best players in the world saw no reason to run titan when warlock and hunter just do everything far far far better. As for your PVP experience if you have a grandson i would have to guess you are in your 40s or higher which then no ♥♥♥♥ your grandson is going to better at a mode that relies on reflexes and visual acuity thats basic nature.

You started off on the wrong foot there, I am not pretending to be stupid. I was not aware of where you got your numbers and that being said was in no position to argue the point. Even when you win you have to be a jerk.
I am not in my 40, that would be nice, I'm 72.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από trukr:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από CasualitieZ:
Pretending to be stupid like you do in every single discussion in the forums... ok let me spell it out to you for the umpteenth time. 3 titans 72 warlocks 90+ hunters that number comes from the raid race and accounts for the team compositions of the top 50 teams that finished. There were 30 times more hunters than titans that finished and we dont get that number just because there are more hunters than titans in the overall game population, in 2021 it was revealed hunters were 38% of the playerbase with titans and warlocks making up 31% each. A few percentage points would not cause a gap of 30 times in the class representation for endgame activities we see those numbers because the best players in the world saw no reason to run titan when warlock and hunter just do everything far far far better. As for your PVP experience if you have a grandson i would have to guess you are in your 40s or higher which then no ♥♥♥♥ your grandson is going to better at a mode that relies on reflexes and visual acuity thats basic nature.

You started off on the wrong foot there, I am not pretending to be stupid. I was not aware of where you got your numbers and that being said was in no position to argue the point. Even when you win you have to be a jerk.
I am not in my 40, that would be nice, I'm 72.
You didn't know? My bad i expected someone replying to me with a counterpoint to have even a modicum amount of info on the subject theyre engaging in. How very silly of me to expect something like that in the Destiny 2 discussions of all places, people actually knowing the workings of the game? hahahaha! You being 72 is even worse. Your grandson isn't better because hes a titan when hunters are even more oppressive in pvp than pve, your grandson is better because he is younger. His class has nothing to do with him being better.
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 24 Ιουλ, 12:38
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