Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

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Does the game get better?
I have had it for 11 months now. I have only been able to endure 6 hours of this game so far. The graphics are nice but idk something just isn't clicking with me. I know there are some games that pick up after a certain point, is this one of them? Whenever I give the game a chance I get bored to tears and play something else. For reference i bought GoT this week and already have spent more time playing that than I have spent playing this over the last 11 months.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
cswiger 9 Dec, 2024 @ 8:25am 
The young Aloy stage is a tutorial. If you've made it to Aloy being an adult and done the Proving, you've seen what the game is going to be.
Tussin The Goat 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:28am 
Yea idt it’s for me. I don’t get the hype
PingShot 9 Dec, 2024 @ 9:53am 
it's decent
cswiger 9 Dec, 2024 @ 10:29am 
You're about 7 years late for the hype. The general notion of fighting giant robot/dinosaurs seems to be fairly strong. Certainly it was more original when it first came out than yet another extraction-looter-shooter, CoD VI, or sports-game-2024-edition.
Dude Guyman 10 Dec, 2024 @ 6:45am 
Yeah, after "The Proving" and a bit of time outside the starting area, if you are still bored, I doubt you will like the rest of it either. I usually can not get into "open world" games myself, but I love this one. You do have to take your time and explore, and read /listen to the data points though, I think. They are very well written and that is what keeps it interesting to me. It's the only way to understand what is going, or went on out there. Still, if you just don't care about all that, then you'll get bored just killing machines over and over.

This is not a game where the story just keeps getting fed to you. You have to go find it. You don't just get handed big weapons to make you a bad ass, you have to learn to use them, etc. I like it! Just the right balance of combat, story, and not too much pointless collect/fetch/crafting junk.

All that said, I am trying to enjoy Forbidden West and finding it boring and hard to "jive" with. They made it too "busy" for me. Too much micro management required and not nearly as well written story, etc. It feels like they decided, "we need to add more stuff to top the original", so they just added layers of pointless stuff and now it feels convoluted rather than smooth.
Last edited by Dude Guyman; 25 Jan @ 11:45pm
Senki 10 Dec, 2024 @ 11:10pm 
The only good part about the game is fighting the robots. The story and exploration are boring

so if you REALLY want to fight this game's enemies then keep playing

if you care about the other aspects then just forget about it
Last edited by Senki; 10 Dec, 2024 @ 11:10pm
Death Approaches 14 Dec, 2024 @ 2:48pm 
not every game is for every person, hey you gave it a fair shot, if you don't like it, you don't like it, don't beat yourself up over it, it's not a requirement to get a good job or nice house in life or anything.

The only suggestion I have is put it on ultra hard and play it that way, it becomes very frenetic and twitchy, you will diveroll more than you shoot, traps and tripwires become nearly useless unless you stack the crap out of them, and hiding is so slow it'll drive you insane waiting for alert to go back to idle, you'll just rush in and waste em. it's a lot of fun but you can't make mistakes; the standard "git guud" applies... but it takes away the sneaky sniper turtle mode that some gamers love to make Aloy do, and gets you up close and personal with your kills... your fingers will cramp after a couple hours though, it becomes very button-mashy, but oh so much more fun than normal or story walking simulator.
I agree. First, I can't stand the character models in this game.. and I'm not saying anything like "Aloy is ugly". I just don't like anybody's face. I can't quite put my finger on it. When you add the animation of them "talking", which is pretty awful, it's just a real turn off. I don't like the way mounted travel controls feel.

I bought this months ago, played a few hours, dropped it for 3 months, played the heck out of Valheim, thought I'd come back to Horizon, tried it for 3 more hours.. I just can't.
I figured young Aloy is a tutorial explaining how to play as first time player to this game

Originally posted by cswiger:
The young Aloy stage is a tutorial. If you've made it to Aloy being an adult and done the Proving, you've seen what the game is going to be.
It's a strange feeling. Despite the many accolades for this game, it didn't click with me either. Finally forced myself to play through the first few hours and it started moving a bit. I think I always used to get stuck at the Devil's Thirst ruins and just get super bored. The game moves slow, but I've now got around 40 hours into it and am on a pretty strong streak. Unlike others, I actually don't like fighting the bots and dislike the difficulty that comes with the larger ones so I sneak around as much as a I can for the exploration.

I've basically used this game to scratch the fetch quest/list checking itch I get every so often and it's done the job this time around.
BÆRD 23 Jan @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Tussin The Goat:
I have had it for 11 months now. I have only been able to endure 6 hours of this game so far. The graphics are nice but idk something just isn't clicking with me. I know there are some games that pick up after a certain point, is this one of them? Whenever I give the game a chance I get bored to tears and play something else. For reference i bought GoT this week and already have spent more time playing that than I have spent playing this over the last 11 months.
It's an average "open" world game, with a fairly unique setting, but if you are bored by the gameplay loop (combat, crafting, "quests") 10 hours in, you are likely to be bored later. Writing and the main plot aren't that great, and a lot of other content is just typical filler stuff for the "open" world genre.
Last edited by BÆRD; 23 Jan @ 7:00am
yeah i feel the same way. tbh, i forgot why I was sent out as a seeker after only playing 6 hours of the game. graphics are great for an older game and i bet gameplay was more revolutionary at the time but now it doesn’t really click anymore
ya i am about 13 hrs in and I am just feeling "meh" about the game.
Originally posted by Senki:
The only good part about the game is fighting the robots. The story and exploration are boring

so if you REALLY want to fight this game's enemies then keep playing

if you care about the other aspects then just forget about it
I'm loving the story, why do you call it boring?
Last edited by MAlipioC; 4 Feb @ 3:48pm
Originally posted by Tussin The Goat:
I have had it for 11 months now. I have only been able to endure 6 hours of this game so far. The graphics are nice but idk something just isn't clicking with me. I know there are some games that pick up after a certain point, is this one of them? Whenever I give the game a chance I get bored to tears and play something else. For reference i bought GoT this week and already have spent more time playing that than I have spent playing this over the last 11 months.
The game is good , only thing that draws it back is the main character , like Aloy is not interesting , just bland

I can guess you like and spend more time playing GoT , just make a difference between the 2 characters. Its obvious
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