Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

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Absolutely no controller support, need help, at the end of my rope
Neither my ps5 or my xbox controller work on this game, i have tried them both wired and wireless, steam input on and off, i have swapped steam's configuration, tried big picture mode, NONE of it works. I truly do not know whats wrong and I cant figure out why the controller just wont work.

I know its not the controller as steam is reading both of them and they both work in other games, its something in horizon, does anyone have a fix? Using the complete edition
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Pantherr 10 Jan @ 12:06am 
I have the complete edition, and I play it with xbox controller, so it IS supported. I don't know why it's not working for you however, especially if, as you say, it works with other games.
Basan™ 10 Jan @ 12:50am 
Originally posted by poetleg:
Neither my ps5 or my xbox controller work on this game, i have tried them both wired and wireless, steam input on and off, i have swapped steam's configuration, tried big picture mode, NONE of it works. I truly do not know whats wrong and I cant figure out why the controller just wont work.

I know its not the controller as steam is reading both of them and they both work in other games, its something in horizon, does anyone have a fix? Using the complete edition

And just out of curiosity... are you definitelly referring to Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition (HZD:CE) or by any chance is your problem related to Horizon Zero Dawn: Remastered (HZD:R)? Because if you're referring to the later I've already linked you above to its Steam's forums proper sections instead of these ones. :winter2019happybulb:
Last edited by Basan™; 10 Jan @ 12:51am
poetleg 10 Jan @ 10:34am 
Originally posted by Basan™:
Originally posted by poetleg:
Neither my ps5 or my xbox controller work on this game, i have tried them both wired and wireless, steam input on and off, i have swapped steam's configuration, tried big picture mode, NONE of it works. I truly do not know whats wrong and I cant figure out why the controller just wont work.

I know its not the controller as steam is reading both of them and they both work in other games, its something in horizon, does anyone have a fix? Using the complete edition

And just out of curiosity... are you definitelly referring to Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition (HZD:CE) or by any chance is your problem related to Horizon Zero Dawn: Remastered (HZD:R)? Because if you're referring to the later I've already linked you above to its Steam's forums proper sections instead of these ones. :winter2019happybulb:

Im trying to play HZD:CE im positive, I didnt get the remastered because I didnt believe the graphical improvement would have been worth it for the possible loss of performance. I know the Complete edition is supposed to have controller support but it just doesnt work and I have no idea why
I have an XBox One and an XBox 360 controllers and Both of them work in the game.
I have played with PS5 controller. You may need to play in Big Picture mode and also make sure you have SteamInput on for the game.
There have been occasions when a Steam update broke controllers an people had to reinstall the Steam client (or maybe both, Steam and the game? don’t remember exactly), but if you‘ve only recently installed the game for the first time, it’s unlikely to be that.
poetleg 11 Jan @ 1:58pm 
Originally posted by charly4711:
I have played with PS5 controller. You may need to play in Big Picture mode and also make sure you have SteamInput on for the game.
There have been occasions when a Steam update broke controllers an people had to reinstall the Steam client (or maybe both, Steam and the game? don’t remember exactly), but if you‘ve only recently installed the game for the first time, it’s unlikely to be that.
Already tried both of those, and reinstalled the game and steam, no fix
Aleddra 19 Jan @ 9:37am 
Make sure controller is selected in the options.
Also, try changing uh, X input? It's in the controller options.
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