Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

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When will you make the game playable again?
Yous crewed this game over years ago and then after thousand of complaints you applied some small patches that made no difference. SO why would I invest in Forbidden West when i know you will change it, and make it unplayable too? Do you care even the slightest about your gamers and customers? Not to mention the angry investors?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Pantheon 12 Jan @ 1:03pm 
How is it unplayable?
The game was available on my region and bought the game. Before I can view the store page on steam, however right now it just shows

"This item is currently unavailable in your region"
cswiger 14 Jan @ 9:00am 
The CE edition is no longer being sold anywhere in the world on Steam. You can still get CE bundled with the remastered version, but that's moot since everyone in this thread already has the CE edition. You can still play the CE edition even if it is not being sold and even if you do not have a Playstation account.
Genuinely funny that they stopped selling the CE on Steam since they still sell it on PS4.
Pantheon 22 Jan @ 7:38pm 
Originally posted by Pro Hanzo:
Genuinely funny that they stopped selling the CE on Steam since they still sell it on PS4.
What else would they sell on PS4? The remaster isn't available on that platform.
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