Coral Island

Coral Island

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BeastyBby 2 Jan, 2023 @ 5:03pm
Can't win mini games?
Am I crazy or something or just that bad? I can't seem to get the hang of the festivals mini games - even the beach clean up tug of war, which is just space mashing, I had the bar to full power the entire time and still lost??? Might just need balancing because of Early access... However I would like to see at least a screen that tells me what place I came in also some prizes for winners in the future :P
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Showing 1-15 of 62 comments
Piperbird 2 Jan, 2023 @ 5:56pm 
Nope, they are not impossible, I watched a video where someone won the sack race (I came in second when I played, ran out of stamina) and I've won the tug of war.
Rossi 3 Jan, 2023 @ 7:26am 
OP, I agree that the mini games are unnecessarily hard.
It would be nice if the devs balanced the difficulty if not for the sake of all players at least for the sake of gamers with physical disabilities.
Piperbird 3 Jan, 2023 @ 10:07am 
Originally posted by Dex:
Originally posted by Piperbird:
Nope, they are not impossible, I watched a video where someone won the sack race (I came in second when I played, ran out of stamina) and I've won the tug of war.

and the video and your attempt were both on the most recent patch? How much stamina did the video and you have?

That's fair, both were before this latest update. I can't remember the name of the person who made the video, he has a couple. He is from Indonesia and did a couple videos going over all the Indonesian references and was so excited about the sack race and just freaking nailed it like it was nothing.
Thomas 23 May, 2023 @ 3:23pm 
Originally posted by Piperbird:
Nope, they are not impossible, I watched a video where someone won the sack race (I came in second when I played, ran out of stamina) and I've won the tug of war.

I call bs on the tug of war, i ran it with a autoclicker and couldn't get above 499 power like it was capped, it's litteraly impossible to win unless i'm missing a mecanic, it may be my current stamina level but what's the point of giving the players a minigame they just can't win yet? (same thing for the chicken stare if your chick is new)

Most of the minigame are super frustating because of this, especially since we get one real attempt at most of them.
Mashed Catato 23 May, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
I had higher points in the harvest festival but still got the "you should learn and do better next year" spiel, I even closed and opened the game again and got the same thing.
Dex 30 May, 2023 @ 12:07pm 
just jumping in this old thread again. Just did the tug of war. Something is odd for sure.

I had a steady 510 power, and the bar fills with green a single time, and then drops to 40% and stays there no matter what I do, I'm either missing something, or it's bugged. I know it's just a mini-game, but it really does affect how enjoyable the events are. It makes me not want to bother going to them, which is a shame.
Last edited by Dex; 30 May, 2023 @ 12:07pm
resonance 30 May, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
tug of war is based on your max stamina. my pulling power was 560 and it was basically break even forever. My hands got tired after too long so I let it fail, but I suppose in year two with a higher max it would be easier.
Dex 30 May, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
Originally posted by resonance:
tug of war is based on your max stamina. my pulling power was 560 and it was basically break even forever. My hands got tired after too long so I let it fail, but I suppose in year two with a higher max it would be easier.

There is no way you're meant to have 1000 stamina to have a chance at beating the game, that is ridiculous. I'm telling you, there's something bizarre with how they balanced the mini-games. I wish they'd at least acknowledge 'yea, we need to rebalance those eventually, sorry guys', but not even mentioning it makes me wonder if I'm the crazy one lol.
Last edited by Dex; 30 May, 2023 @ 1:31pm
Starchild 14 Aug, 2023 @ 12:30pm 
Ditto on the hardness of the mini games. I get that there has to be a challenge, but the tug of war is just broken. I can't even enter the swimming contest. I won't mention the bull riding, I suck the same in real life...
Gh0st 16 Aug, 2023 @ 3:15am 
Can't agree more. I have basically given up on winning anything in the mini-games as of now.
I love this game, since it is relaxing and you can achieve most things with some patience and planning.
The mini-games however suddenly feel like it is a hardcore game in which you need lightning reflexes to just to not come in last.
I hope this will get rebalanced soon or the festivals will give me an equal amount of frustration and enjoyment, which would be a shame.
Fyuriya 7 Sep, 2023 @ 11:56am 
Just got to the tug of war and it pissed me off to the point that Im skipping every minigame until they do something about it. I play this game to have fun and relax, not spam buttons like a maniac.
QueenOfValour 9 Sep, 2023 @ 11:12am 
Agreed on mini-games, they need to be re-balanced and made more accessible, less button mashy and less super quick reflexes
mfgingerman 13 Sep, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Also found the same now, with autoclicker on for tug of war i needed to fill my stamina +buff a little with food, seemed to be around 650 stamina plus clicking at max speed (20/sec) would let you win it idk on the required clicking speed but it was fairly high -_- def will need reworking by the end.
mintavia 13 Sep, 2023 @ 3:25pm 
The games are not winnable. The reaction time is not possible for most. Super frustrating. Especially the bull ride. That is ludicrous. One or 2 developers find the successful sweet spot and just leave it at that. "its fine if we can do it." Bah. I hate when games do this. It is a way to keep you playing longer so you will end up buying dlc. The more time you spend in game , the more money you will eventually drop. It is a form of "claw machine" built into the game. You are not meant to win.
Last edited by mintavia; 13 Sep, 2023 @ 3:28pm
Chicka 13 Sep, 2023 @ 4:16pm 
I won the swimming contest and tug of war with no problem. Just have to smash those buttons really fast. Everything else was a struggle though, like the bull-riding and chicken stare down.
Last edited by Chicka; 13 Sep, 2023 @ 4:17pm
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