Food Truck Simulator

Food Truck Simulator

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madcowsmind 24 Dec, 2024 @ 3:59pm
Ran out of burger patties! Do I just stand there till the day is over?
First of all the little tutorial set me up for failure by only allowing me 8 burger patties, yet there were plenty more orders than that. Is there a way to shut down service or do you just stand there while customers stare at you waiting for orders that will never happen?
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[242nd] DarkKlown 28 Dec, 2024 @ 2:49pm 
Can anyone give a response as I just bought the game and would like to know what to do if this happens to me.
Sadie 17 Feb @ 7:24pm 
I did this early on and I just the bag without the burger because it wouldn't let me add it to the bag without the burger. You can also add other things in there they didn't ask for so you might still get a nice tip even though it's messed up!
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