Food Truck Simulator

Food Truck Simulator

Voir les stats:
Acheivement - nearly at 100%
Has anyone found a fix somehow to getting some bugged achievements?

I'm at prestige 5 but never unlocked 2 and 3.

I also unlocked everything but I didn't get 'unlock the Italian district'

Missing these 3, plus two others that I assume won't bug (complete 25 jobs and hit 150 pedestrians). I literally have all else. :(

I assume they won't fix this, but did anyone find a personal fix or a way to get them? Thanks.
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Didn't find any fixes, but had the same issue with prestige.
Bummer! Yeah I'm missing:

Prestige Level 2
Prestige Level 3
Unlock the Italian District

I should be able to unlock (assuming they don't bug out either):
Hit 150 pedestrians
Complete 25 jobs

Because I'm a nerd, I might try and 'restart' to see if it will unlock those top 3 in a new game-play after I unlock the last two. When I retried a save, I was able to unlock prestige 4 that was previously not unlocking.

We shall see.
Okay, EDIT #2 --> So retrying things in the main game doesn't work for those three achievements. SANDBOX MODE however...

Unlock the Italian District: drive around the pond closest to the Italian district (and get the achievement at the ending of the circle.)

Prestige level 2: play SANDBOX mode up until prestige level 2...

I have gotten these two by playing sandbox mode this morning. I haven't gotten to prestige 3 yet as that clearly does take some more time.

I'm glad sandbox mode comes to the rescue for us achievement hunters!
Dernière modification de KizzMeeh ♥; 19 juil. à 2h17
Thank you! I'll try that out. I just ignored sandbox mode.
I had the same issue, and today i unlocked these achievements in sandbox mode. BTW, “Complete 25 jobs” &"Hit 150 pedestrians" can be unlocked in the main game.
I have managed to unlock all achievements in sandbox mode! Thanks everyone for your help with workarounds. :)
KizzMeeh ♥ a écrit :
Okay, EDIT #2 --> So retrying things in the main game doesn't work for those three achievements. SANDBOX MODE however...

Unlock the Italian District: drive around the pond closest to the Italian district (and get the achievement at the ending of the circle.)

Prestige level 2: play SANDBOX mode up until prestige level 2...

I have gotten these two by playing sandbox mode this morning. I haven't gotten to prestige 3 yet as that clearly does take some more time.

I'm glad sandbox mode comes to the rescue for us achievement hunters!


Thank you so much! I noticed on my achievements today that I didn't have those, but now I'll go give this a try. You rock!
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