Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

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v68 Transports available from the start
what is this, a christmas gift?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
siradg 28 Jan @ 5:35pm 
Still on v66, absolutely scared of trying anything on v68. Wish I could play v66 with free transports.
Got a new run going with latest changes and it's a breeze so far.
tbh, I don't really care about transports early on, but that's most likely a thing with my general playstyle. I usually don't have things like a mining colony outside, in stead I either a) start there or b) make sure my full city expands in that direction.

Still, after having some trouble getting into the v68 changes, I'm overall fine with it. at least for my 600 pop city I've got until now. The real interesting stuff will start now, as the first expansions are the next task on the todo list.
Originally posted by Judaspriester:
tbh, I don't really care about transports early on, but that's most likely a thing with my general playstyle. I usually don't have things like a mining colony outside, in stead I either a) start there or b) make sure my full city expands in that direction.

Still, after having some trouble getting into the v68 changes, I'm overall fine with it. at least for my 600 pop city I've got until now. The real interesting stuff will start now, as the first expansions are the next task on the todo list.

Main bottleneck is usually food and transportation so it makes sense to build as close to a river as possible. Resources spawn in the river or by the river but this will eat into total food available from the map.
You can build somewhere else but the challenge will be in collecting the food, the price is paid in labor. You cannot escape transports if you want to eat.
To escape the dilemma you can bulk import the grain and build wherever but i don't believe this is a sound strategy without the empire to steady support the metropolitan. So at almost any point in the game you will need to bulk transport.
Originally posted by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane:
Main bottleneck is usually food and transportation so it makes sense to build as close to a river as possible. Resources spawn in the river or by the river but this will eat into total food available from the map.
You can build somewhere else but the challenge will be in collecting the food, the price is paid in labor. You cannot escape transports if you want to eat.
To escape the dilemma you can bulk import the grain and build wherever but i don't believe this is a sound strategy without the empire to steady support the metropolitan. So at almost any point in the game you will need to bulk transport.

I got, like said a 600 pop town right now. What have I done for food? 15 hunters, a few onx pastures for food and cotton and for stabilizing the economy, I also import some grain in order to produce bread. I use the mod that does the math breakdown for me, so I can say at least at the current state, I can import grain while my Bakery still runs with like 30 denari profit per worker, which is fine since 40 seems to be the average.

Later on, the transportation will most likely come handy, but at least for now, I don't see a reason for messing around with them between my 2 warehouses. Besides that, as soon as I send my army out to conquer my first province, I can easily substitute the grain import with tariffs, so that I can most likely end up with the usual setup I've run for the last versions.
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