Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

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Mega estruturas
Parece que falta ao jogo mega estruturas, porque eu digo isso?
Lembro de ter lido em algum lugar que na época das cidades estados cada cidade também tentava superar as outras na forma de mega estruturas, tanto praticas quanto para deuses.
mas seria interessante adicionar isso ao jogo.
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Vanir 6 Jan @ 2:13am 
Mega structures could be interesting.

The temple and arena are kind of like this. Unless you build them in a corner or very small, they serve the whole map and are quite big.

Something that gives you global boosts would ideally do so in a way that makes sense. Unless something like a "prestige" resource gets introduced, a big statue would not really do much.
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