Songs of Syx

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Better stat tracking based on sub-region of the city map

Recently i've been noticing that it's hard to track the data on resources with current metrics system: For example the remote colony in the corner that mines gems and locally produces meat. Current resource storage tracking will omit most of the information that is required to make any decisions about this little village due to it being single dimension - all resources as a single icon, so you never know if meat production/consumption is enough for this remote village and cannot really plan it's expansion, reducing your planning ability to guessing.

For example in Per Aspera game there are global resource storage icons, but you can check energy consumption of the remote isolated energy node by checking energy overlay or by clicking the district overlay.
In Cities Skylines you can do district planning via brush tool, this will allow to track energy and other information per district/block/arbitrary size, also it allows to apply different city governing policies per district.

Both systems work kind of OK for the suggestion's scope (first hand experience), so I believe adding "district overlaying system" that player adds himself or is centered on some thing "district marker" will allow to track this information, greatly improving overall tracking, scoping the production/consumption data to the district.
Obviously there are limitations to the approach, but might be the first step?
Last edited by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane; 24 Jan @ 12:33am
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As an example first iteration:
There is workstation "building" that we can currently use to scope workers to tasks inside the radius.
You can add "District Flag" or any abstract/non-abstract entity with the same radius parameter that will reuse already implemented scoping logic, which will show resource storage / resource usage of all resources in radius range by calculating it on typical tick period that you use for warehouses and other storage systems.

The data stats does not have to add up to global values on the first iteration for obvious different reasons (workers going for resources to different district will inflate information), but some naive approach probably is workable enough and could be improved later if confusing for some people.

After iterating on it a few times and collecting the data on system's usage it can be integrated better in the game's UI systems.
Last edited by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane; 24 Jan @ 12:49am
Vanir 24 Jan @ 3:44am 
Interesting. Personally, I would not use this due to how I lay out my cities, but it would be very valuable if you want to really min-max local production. Not sure if doing this would make sense considering the space efficiency of larger rooms and logistic cost savings.

A flag with a radius might be a bit too imprecise. Perhaps that could be an option, but I assume if you see the need for tracking localized resources, you will want more fine control.
Originally posted by Vanir:
Interesting. Personally, I would not use this due to how I lay out my cities, but it would be very valuable if you want to really min-max local production. Not sure if doing this would make sense considering the space efficiency of larger rooms and logistic cost savings.

A flag with a radius might be a bit too imprecise. Perhaps that could be an option, but I assume if you see the need for tracking localized resources, you will want more fine control.

Indeed, Big Room efficiency comes later when you've invested in logistics tech and can scalably "import" and "export" resources from remote villages. Hub and spoke pattern is king.
Before that you kinda have to rely either on manual hauling that is not super efficient, disturb oddjobers (even worse) or add deliveryman jobs that cost space and service slots in the town districts.

At my current map i have pretty good gems location and iron ore location, gems are on the opposite part of the map from my town and don't have any resources locally. I don't want to haul things 24/7 and don't want to invest into logistics yet so it's easier to just get some meat locally and forget about the village for a while even if not super efficient
Iron location is distant from town (about half the map), abundant in required local resources (wood -> coal, fertility + fresh water) so it makes sense to produce things there and send the produce out without taking anything in.
So district info could be helpful here

Later on this system could be applied in the town sprawl to better understand what makes a town, what inefficiencies are, where's the most consumption, etc. At the moment you kinda of course understand that intuitively, but cannot verify with numbers.
What also could be done is forbid hauling from outside the district range based on district, not every warehouse out there; configure district policies in general.

Maybe the system is not needed of course as maintaining bunch of statistics is costly in code and in performance and approximation is already can be extrapolated from intuition, but i kinda decided to throw it out there to check the opinions. :)

Flag suggestion is of course naive sketch to propose the solution to start with fast, as the authority you better understand what can and can't be done without crutches. :)
Last edited by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane; 24 Jan @ 5:32am
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