Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

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Make crude warhammer tech built-in

I think with recent changes to tech crude warhammer is obsolete to smithy tech and could instead be integrated as a base workshop work mode.
If not the tech, you can just trade the warhammers for carpentry on base mod at some loss but it just does not matter on macro level because you're investing in arsenal.
I don't think there's a map where this tech is at all relevant. Costs too much, gives too little.
Maybe there's a bunch of legacy techs like that, but i was filling my recent observations to the thread in discussions and kinda thought about this one.
Last edited by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane; 29 Jan @ 12:23am
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Vanir 29 Jan @ 2:01am 
The recipe is extremely inefficient at the moment. I do not think using it was ever better than importing warhammers.

I will make it a bit more efficient so it can actually be used.

I am not sure if these inefficient counterparts are a good idea though.
Currently there's no access to weapons without techs i think? So the only option is trade which is not obvious to the player.
You have access to armor from the start, but cannot really craft what is essentially a club :)

If putting it to built-in zone is not in the design vision i believe this work mode is just useless and should be cut
Last edited by BeheadThoseWhoInsultKane; 29 Jan @ 3:06am
Also the thing i've noticed is that shield is available without any tech
so on base tech only weapons cannot be crafted :cozykcdaxe:
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