Songs of Syx

Songs of Syx

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Assigning races to workplace.
I have set both work priorities as equal, but still it does not work.

My Garthimis are working on Fisheries on coasts where there are Amevia only houses. Instead of the ones next to their district.

Same issue with claypits. Amevias and Garthimi are both good at harvesting clay. I have two claypits. One in the Garthimi district, and one at the Amevia district. The Garthimis actively choose to go the the Amevia district where they are homeless, so they can steal the Amevia's jobs. I have tried to play with the Work Priorities for almost an hour now. No change. If I lower one priority, the other race completely steals all the jobs.

Same issue with foodstalls. I managed to deal with it by giving all the jobs to my slaves. But I swear I almost went insane trying to make my Garthimis not work in the Amevias' food stalls. Even until now, I have over 100 Garthimis who are homeless because they give up the fisheries and claypits next to their districts to the Amevias, while they steal the Amevias' jobs in theirs.

This is an issue that Garthimis and Amevias may only face. Besides maybe Humans + Cretonians for both being good at farming.

Since they have similar skillsets, and are good at similar things. The current system where you can only easily set one job to one entire race, rather than splitting it between two, is going to be a problem. This is an issue im facing with only TWO main species. Imagine if I had all the races. The lack of control will get painful. You are forced to choose between maximum efficiency or stupidity, with no inbetween. As of now, I am being forced to rebuild an entire Amevia district just so I don't have to deal with the pain of having over a hundred homeless Garthimi trying to avoid the entire corner of the map I built for them. The only other solution being banning them from working on Fisheries and Claypits so they stay in their corner.
Originally posted by Vanir:
Did you use the new tool, introduced in V68?

Industry & workforce -> priority -> assign work groups.
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Vanir 20 Jan @ 7:02am 
Did you use the new tool, introduced in V68?

Industry & workforce -> priority -> assign work groups.
Common 20 Jan @ 7:19am 
Originally posted by Vanir:
Did you use the new tool, introduced in V68?

Industry & workforce -> priority -> assign work groups.

THAT IS HUGE. Thank you so much!!!
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