Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

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About lemons meaning?
So i think is about an english way of saying? Like "when life gives you lemons...?"
I'm not a native english speaker, i don't know if it's the meaning behind the lemons in the game, so i'm asking
thanks in advance
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W0RTHL3SS 28 Jan @ 10:52am 
There is a saying in english that goes:
"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade"
meaning: If things are turning sour, make the best of it.

Could also be a reference to lemon party, but I will let you google that one yourself.
Originally posted by W0RTHL3SS:
There is a saying in english that goes:
"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade"
meaning: If things are turning sour, make the best of it.

Could also be a reference to lemon party, but I will let you google that one yourself.
yeah so i guess the part about the saying! thanks
need to search what lemon party actually is LOL
ok there's two things related to lemon is an 80s canadian political party
the other is well......., ok.
Last edited by Stefandreus; 28 Jan @ 10:07pm
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