Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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my ranked teammates
bruh i cant, like i try different country.... chinese, japanese, korean, american, indo.... i just cant get a good teammates.... im not asking 2, at least just 1 like bruh plz
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
I'm sorry....
Originally posted by I LOVE YOUR FACE!:
bruh i cant, like i try different country.... chinese, japanese, korean, american, indo.... i just cant get a good teammates.... im not asking 2, at least just 1 like bruh plz
If you always have problems with your teammates, maybe the problem is you?
Originally posted by TheKingInOrange:
Originally posted by I LOVE YOUR FACE!:
bruh i cant, like i try different country.... chinese, japanese, korean, american, indo.... i just cant get a good teammates.... im not asking 2, at least just 1 like bruh plz
If you always have problems with your teammates, maybe the problem is you?
lol i know my worth
Originally posted by Juicy Zombie:
Originally posted by TheKingInOrange:
If you always have problems with your teammates, maybe the problem is you?
The problem is mostly the rigged matchmaking algorithm. It's unbalanced and flawed.

Right... The developers of the game, who do not know you at all, made an algorithm specifically designed and tailored for you so that you would lose. And why? For absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Do you ever sit back and think about what you say?
Ginko 31 Jan @ 5:53am 
sorry for my dad
Ω 31 Jan @ 11:03am 
OP, define a good teammate. Cause to me it's the ability to not get knocked first. That's it.
go lfg chieftan or get out of gold, teammates will be better higher rank u are
BAOZI 31 Jan @ 6:03pm 
do you not have friends?
R3N0 1 Feb @ 2:03am 
Originally posted by mozzi:
get out of gold, teammates will be better higher rank u are
Umm.. I had a worst team mates EVER at Plat I - Diamond III ranks, feels like Bronze dudes forced to play vs Masters. At the Gold rank guys at least play safer.
Last edited by R3N0; 1 Feb @ 2:04am
R3N0 1 Feb @ 2:10am 
Originally posted by COCA CHLOE:
Originally posted by Juicy Zombie:
The problem is mostly the rigged matchmaking algorithm. It's unbalanced and flawed.

Right... The developers of the game, who do not know you at all, made an algorithm specifically designed and tailored for you so that you would lose. And why? For absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Do you ever sit back and think about what you say?
First of all, let's agree that the developers have made the game significantly worse over the last couple of years than it was before. MM is no exception: how can a fair and balanced ranked game have a mix of Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Predator ranks in a single match? Does it fair? Nope. Does this make sense? No. Why don't developers make a point of separating players with aim assist and players without it? Just why? Don't tell me about the numbers, because they didn't do it before as well, when the number of players was many times higher on a daily basis.

I understand that you are trying to manipulate information, but you do it very badly.
the matchmaking of this game look like every FPS since 2019. Every SBMM/EOMM games got the worst mathmaking
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:33am
Posts: 13