Unravel Two

Unravel Two

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the game wont start because of ea.
Last edited by anaLLynn; 28 Jan @ 1:48pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Daikiro 28 Jan @ 2:22pm 
im on the same issue
не могу запустить игру.просит привязку в EA. шляпа
TAW|REA 29 Jan @ 12:31am 
Can please someone confirm this is an OS specific issue or a general EA issue? 2 games (Unravel Two, A Way Out) in my account that require EA to run cannot be launched on Linux. Can someone test that on Windows, please? Thanks!
Yep, same for me, too. If a game can't even start on a modern system with a modern OS, then it's not worth any more of my time.
same here. wtf
I'm having the same issue and had to cancel a stream of the game as a result.
♥♥♥ EA games. Ruined my gaming day with my girlfriend
scholzi100 21 Feb @ 10:57am 
Add the same issue, try to re-download the EA App, launch it , click on "repair". Did that and now it's working for me
002zz 17 Mar @ 8:33am 
ReDownload the EA app and fix
Kaptenn26 20 Mar @ 10:25am 
anyone solved the problem? i'm on the same issues
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