Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite

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I'm heaving some trouble with crouching

I've just installed this game a few days ago and switched the button controls to Recon because that's what I've been using to play Halo for years. However, every time I try to crouch, I keep throwing grenades randomly and it's started to get really annoying. Is there a way I could fix this issue?

P.S. Before someone asks, no, this controller is not old and I've used it for many other games and have not encountered problems.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Left stick depress crouch? Did you check the individual in game controller settings? Is that an elite controller?, if so check in the app.
Originally posted by Beelzebub:
Left stick depress crouch? Did you check the individual in game controller settings? Is that an elite controller?, if so check in the app.
I don't know what an elite controller is. And yeah, the recon button layout in the Halo games use the left stick button to crouch.
Check the individual key mapping in game, it is likely the left stick depress has been inadvertently changes to left trigger. It happens.
Originally posted by Beelzebub:
Check the individual key mapping in game, it is likely the left stick depress has been inadvertently changes to left trigger. It happens.
Nope. I checked and it still does this.

I still have yet to have this issue on a game other than Halo Infinite.
I lowered the trigger sensitivity and it's fine now.
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Date Posted: 5 Jan @ 5:55am
Posts: 5