The Last Stand: Aftermath

The Last Stand: Aftermath

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Con Artist Games  [developer] 18 Nov, 2021 @ 5:05pm
Known Issues - Patches in Progress! [PC/Xbox/Playstation]
Hey all. Thanks for your feedback on all fronts. We're working really hard to address the issues that have arisen from our PC launch and the console ports.

The following is a list of most of the known issues, if there's something in this list that has been missed, please comment in this thread and we'll amend the list over time.

**NEWS FOR CONSOLE PLAYERS - 27th November**
The porting team have isolated at least one cause of the save/load bug. It is being caused by purchasing "Gear Insurance" from the Supply Depot in game. It causes a serialization issue with the save that stops it from loading properly.

The good news is, your saves will most likely be recoverable (not 100% yet) but you can also avoid the bug by not purchasing this item from the Supply Depot.

Playstation 4
- Save bugs that are not allowing games to load after playing for a while
- Loading screens do not display correctly, fading to black too quickly
- Some Trophies not triggering at appropriate times

Playstation 5
- Save bugs that are not allowing games to load after playing for a while
- Screen tearing
- Water shaders aren't appearing correctly
- Some Trophies not triggering at appropriate times

Xbox Series X|S
- Save bugs that are not allowing games to load after playing for a while
- Local languages not being available
- Screen tearing / Performance issues
- Some Achievements not triggering at appropriate times

- Keyboard keybinds not saving after being changed
- Black screen after game intro / unity crashes after intro

- Zombies spawning inside of objects / getting stuck
- Loot spawning in unrreachable areas
- Grapples can be difficult / impossible to escape at lower frame rates
- Encumbrance has no real effects at high weight volumes
- Zombies in "Hell" spawn bad loot spots that can't be accessed
- Sunken City locations need adjusting to stop players getting stuck in water
- Hardships systems not reloading properly after death / reload
- Box Mine explodes in mid air / while being thrown

When will the patches come out?
There'll be different timing for the patches. We have patches in progress for all platforms.

On the consoles we had one already in motion, but we are adding the high priority items above to it to get those resolved as soon as possible.

We will let you know about when they'll go out as we get closer to when they're complete.
Last edited by Con Artist Games; 28 Nov, 2021 @ 3:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 381 comments
OSCAR FEVER 18 Nov, 2021 @ 8:01pm 
a crafting barrel on the outside of a house can be interacted with through a wall/window and it will cause the character to hover/slide through the wall to the outside
Smile 18 Nov, 2021 @ 8:55pm 
Originally posted by Trouser_Dune_Worm:
I also would like to see the ability to shoot OVER SANDBAGS and the obstacle walls that the game SEEMS TO WANT YOU TO DEFEND FROM AFTER YOU ACTIVATE THE GENERATOR but instead you just keep shooting the sandbags and wasting bullets AND time.....this needs fixed please.

Also, give us the option to make duration of Antivirals to be increased somehow.
I don't like rushing. I like to take my time exploring, even if my character is literaly dying.
Give players the option to enjoy the game the way they want.
Last edited by Smile; 18 Nov, 2021 @ 8:55pm
Arkiel21 18 Nov, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
Looting through some walls is possible, e.g. looting on the other side of a wall if you get really close to it
ronak 19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:46am 
good to see all the bugs i have see are listed. i will wait for the patch ( cant load my save on ps5 ).

one more is when you open a fance, you take hit at the time is opened by the undeads, its not good to die when you need to open it to go further.
Last edited by ronak; 19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:49am
ezefyto.salas 19 Nov, 2021 @ 6:42am 
And the issue of the black screen after the introduction on pc?
Ecks Theory 19 Nov, 2021 @ 9:13am 
PS5 Issues:

loading screen crashes to black in between levels. It doesnt stop the game loading, but its there.

The water effects are all blocky. Like super low res and zoomed in all the way.

Screen tearing as has been mentioned already.

Ive bought a cache of batteries the game says will be reloaded into the armoury at the start of every new survivor. But it doesnt. The only other item Ive bought that is to be restocked at the start of every new survivor is a hand gun. And that is there as its supposed to be. So I assume the bug is limited to the batteries. Or the batteries are just mislabelled as being restocked at the start of each new survivor.

The biggest issue is the save file not loading. Ive wasted 20 hours of game time. Not fun. Please fix that pronto. Love the game, but having to replay the first 10 hours over and over is really souring it.
Since there is no dedicated bug raport forum , ill post the list here:
-Container spawning in doors is quite buggy and need a bit rework , sometimes serchable container is highlighted from other side of room , sometimes even half house away , and sometimes container your 1cm , infront of you , you wiggle , move around and takes 10 seconds to get to right position for it to be serchable

-aiming is terrible , this both applies for both ranged weapons and melee weapons , most of time zombies (atleast early infected) dont have enough reaction to take big advantage of this but i seen guns miss from 1m range , hit "rag dolling enemies who are already dead , and behind zombie you shoting at) or zombies spining around you getting free hits on you and nothing you can do , the most annoying tho is short zombies at baricades/sandbags making all your shots miss as game "decides your aiming at short zombie" not normal zombie next or behind it , whole aiming thing is a lot confusing as "laser sight" is not where your shots land , but where your mouse(supposingly) is so i had lots cases where lasersight was dead on target but i miss becouse my mouse was a bit too side

this gets even worse in some locations with "walls and celling as i once was almost eaten by zombies becouse my character aimed 90 degrees away from moise becouse it did thing im aiming at wall/celing rather then zombie mouse was at

in normal game such bugs would be just minor annoyance , but this is roguelike where bug can literaly kill you and ruin your entire run , i managed to get clip of spining zombie(i wish i cliped other bugs) (video is unlisted)

im having fun but these bugs needs to be worked on dev (currently playing it from FamilyShare but plan buying it soonish)

Sugestions how to fix it:
Have soft autoaim/asist who is togable for ranged weapons , make melee weapons "lock onto whatever your aiming) so when zombie decides to do spiny thing your character will be still aiming , and hitting it

For serch objects/containers maybe make highlighting a bit more leanient , and rely a bit less on "player line of sight"

another minor nitpick is chairs/carton boxes seam heavy and few times my character got stuck at them or got blocked by them

another nitpick is mutation thing(who is also featured in video) im still fighting and clicking , mutation thing popsup so "i click it accidently" rather then make a choice (maybe make mutation thing not respond to mouse clicks for 1 second or 1 and a half so we dont click mutation when still fighting)
Last edited by Varenvel The Festive Dinosaur; 19 Nov, 2021 @ 9:19am

played a bit more on same run , antiviral spawned in truck outside map , i checked everything to make sure "its not some path there" but that part is completly unaccesible (map is first checkpoint where second map/area opens out)

(its highlighted by sense/important things on map skill)
Last edited by Varenvel The Festive Dinosaur; 19 Nov, 2021 @ 9:41am
Josko 19 Nov, 2021 @ 10:11am 
Originally posted by Ma†heus:
Originally posted by Trouser_Dune_Worm:
I also would like to see the ability to shoot OVER SANDBAGS and the obstacle walls that the game SEEMS TO WANT YOU TO DEFEND FROM AFTER YOU ACTIVATE THE GENERATOR but instead you just keep shooting the sandbags and wasting bullets AND time.....this needs fixed please.

Also, give us the option to make duration of Antivirals to be increased somehow.
I don't like rushing. I like to take my time exploring, even if my character is literaly dying.
Give players the option to enjoy the game the way they want.

I feel the whole mutation thing is completely out of place, it's just not fun.

So 15 years have passed since the outbreak and everyone are infected and need these Antiviral shots to not die, so how did they survive for 15 years?

It dosn't make sense to me and above all, it's just not fun.
You can't take your time and need to rush through everything. It's bad design.
Last edited by Josko; 19 Nov, 2021 @ 10:17am
Dread Redinger 19 Nov, 2021 @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by Josko:
Originally posted by Ma†heus:

Also, give us the option to make duration of Antivirals to be increased somehow.
I don't like rushing. I like to take my time exploring, even if my character is literaly dying.
Give players the option to enjoy the game the way they want.

I feel the whole mutation thing is completely out of place, it's just not fun.

So 15 years have passed since the outbreak and everyone are infected and need these Antiviral shots to not die, so how did they survive for 15 years?

It dosn't make sense to me and above all, it's just not fun.
You can't take your time and need to rush through everything. It's bad design.

No, this is a NEW virus that is spreading among some people (those we play) 15 years later.

And you can take your time. On my 4th run, I managed to reach the end of Chapter 2, with 2 healths bar, thanks to a skill. And trust me, I explore all the maps.
Trouser_Dune_Worm 19 Nov, 2021 @ 1:00pm 
Originally posted by Josko:
Originally posted by Ma†heus:

Also, give us the option to make duration of Antivirals to be increased somehow.
I don't like rushing. I like to take my time exploring, even if my character is literaly dying.
Give players the option to enjoy the game the way they want.

I feel the whole mutation thing is completely out of place, it's just not fun.

So 15 years have passed since the outbreak and everyone are infected and need these Antiviral shots to not die, so how did they survive for 15 years?

It dosn't make sense to me and above all, it's just not fun.
You can't take your time and need to rush through everything. It's bad design.

It's a new mutation according to the game. There has to be some kind of "pressure timer" weighing down on you else the priority of advancing forward is thrown out the window. This game wasn't really designed to be played as a Skyrim Stealth Archer.
Smile 19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:08pm 
Originally posted by Trouser_Dune_Worm:
It's a new mutation according to the game. There has to be some kind of "pressure timer" weighing down on you else the priority of advancing forward is thrown out the window. This game wasn't really designed to be played as a Skyrim Stealth Archer.

Originally posted by Dread Redinger:
No, this is a NEW virus that is spreading among some people (those we play) 15 years later.

And you can take your time. On my 4th run, I managed to reach the end of Chapter 2, with 2 healths bar, thanks to a skill. And trust me, I explore all the maps.

What part of the "Give players the option to enjoy the game the way they want" you guys didn't get it?
I'm not asking for too much. It's totally reasonable.
People need be able to choose the way they want to play.
You want to play with timer pressure and rushing everything? That's totally fine, but there is also people that want to enjoy the game slowly.
This way, everyone will be pleased.
Last edited by Smile; 19 Nov, 2021 @ 3:10pm
Con Artist Games  [developer] 19 Nov, 2021 @ 4:11pm 
Originally posted by Ecks Theory:
PS5 Issues:

loading screen crashes to black in between levels. It doesnt stop the game loading, but its there.

The water effects are all blocky. Like super low res and zoomed in all the way.

Screen tearing as has been mentioned already.

Ive bought a cache of batteries the game says will be reloaded into the armoury at the start of every new survivor. But it doesnt. The only other item Ive bought that is to be restocked at the start of every new survivor is a hand gun. And that is there as its supposed to be. So I assume the bug is limited to the batteries. Or the batteries are just mislabelled as being restocked at the start of each new survivor.

The biggest issue is the save file not loading. Ive wasted 20 hours of game time. Not fun. Please fix that pronto. Love the game, but having to replay the first 10 hours over and over is really souring it.

Supply Depot purchases of caches are not replenished with each run. It just places a certain amount of them in your armory for future use.

We hear you on the save issues, its our porting team's top priority. Fixes are in the works as we speak.
UNDEAD_13 19 Nov, 2021 @ 4:51pm 
On ps4\ps5 Trophy dont pop "a breath of fresh air" , "Fetid Waters" , "Ash & Ember" and other =(
MANDOM 19 Nov, 2021 @ 5:45pm 
I am walking around a water area with a bridge, I walked down the water behind the bridge and expect to be able to climb out but turns out I am stuck in the water with no location with good enough elevation for me to climb / dodge roll out of the area.

Also, not sure why but the in game "report a problem keeps coming out error that says can connect to destination host" you might wanna fix that.
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