The Last Stand: Aftermath

The Last Stand: Aftermath

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Just had THE MOST BS run-ender ever!
Had a hard fought run where I was struggling to find enough ammo basically the whole run. First time I had to rely on melee to the point I was crafting weapons. Got to The Lab and was facing a BIG mob and armored charger behind the final door, so I decided to place my box mines along the hallway to pull the charger through. Imagine my surprise when the last mine I placed, after using mines plenty of times and never having this happen, goes off as I run past it, ending my run RIGHT FREAKING THERE IN THE LAB.

Am I crazy or are the box mines not supposed to trigger on you?! I only started using them recently to help with armored chargers and I swear I've never had one go off on me like that!
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lx 22 Feb @ 3:43am 
dont worry youll have more.
i barely placed a mine or two so i cant really tell what happened.
maybe there is a timer before it activates, or maybe something else triggered it.
thats the good about the game, playing with explosives is dangerous.
I've beaten the game many times, but even I have BS moments that end my run. Just recently, I went into a bunker, just a couple stops away from the lab in Hell, and as I enter a room to clear it of military zombies, my character stupidly targeted one of two explosive barrels in the room when my mouse was clearly aiming at one of the zombies. One shot and the barrel exploded, killing me. I had hundreds of 5.56 and 7.62 bullets, decked out M249 and S-110 sniper, TONS of supplies, from medical, food/drink, etc... Just one mistake because the aiming option was set to whatever my mouse was closest to instead of where I was aiming directly. Turned that option off, but still, I was infuriated by that, so I get how you feel where you die from the dumbest ♥♥♥♥ near the end of a run
having BS runs is normal in most games, as RNG can screw you at any point in time. no point crying about it here, as all that does is call in the Ragebaiter galore, leaving you with that BS run ender AND a boatload of nolifers that do nothing but bait other peoples anger to feel any kind of satisfaction and get any kind of attention, as they are starved for it.
Originally posted by HummingBeard:
having BS runs is normal in most games, as RNG can screw you at any point in time. no point crying about it here, as all that does is call in the Ragebaiter galore, leaving you with that BS run ender AND a boatload of nolifers that do nothing but bait other peoples anger to feel any kind of satisfaction and get any kind of attention, as they are starved for it.

Well, I more made the thread to find out if box mines are supposed to trigger on your character than anything. But thanks for the bump, king.
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