The Last Stand: Aftermath

The Last Stand: Aftermath

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Michael 29 Dec, 2024 @ 1:29pm
More endgame content
(TLDR: I wrote this whole thread to finally figure out that if you want a true endgame experience, restart a new save slot and replay the whole game without using any upgrades. No upgrades allowed make the old 'endgame' hardship runs feel super easy in comparison. And if you feel a bit crazy after winning without upgrades, try the hardship runs without upgrades ;) )

Hi there! I just finished my 5th hardship run, 35h playtime. I was expecting the higher the hardship level, the more challenging it would get, but funnily enough, I got better on each run and it got easier on each run. In the end I would run straight through the zones to get fuel and ignore everything. The zombies were too slow to catch up with me. Despite the last hardship at 150, that was the easiest run I've ever had.

So I thought this is gonna get REAL challenging when I have to also add faster zombies hardship, because then I won't be able to run right by them straight to the end goal. But there's no more threat level and the reputation multiplier caps at x3.00. I can add all the hardships I want and I don't get anything out of it.

My next plan is to max out the hardships just for the fun of it, but I really wish it didn't cap out at x3.00 so that there's an incentive to keep adding more hardship.

Absolute amazing game by the way. I haven't had that much fun playing a zombie game in a very long time, if ever. I love how at the beginning, it was VERY challenging. The more I unlocked research, the easier it got. At the end I was so strong that it was easy even with a hardship of 150. I know that hardship runs are meant to be an endgame content, but I hope there will be an endgame endgame content in the future. I just want more of this game :D
Last edited by Michael; 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:42pm
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Michael 29 Dec, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
In the meanwhile, I'm gonna make up imaginary extra hardship runs.

If this is the endgame content:

1. Run with hardship 30 (hard because I didn't know what I was doing)
2. Run with hardship 60 (slightly easier but still hard)
3. Run with hardship 90 (medium, I'm getting smart enough to just run for the fuel)
4. Run with hardship 120 (easy, just rush for the fuel and avoid zombies)
5. Run with hardship 150 (easy, just rush for the fuel and avoid zombies)

This is the endgame endgame content that I'm gonna play soon:

6. Run with hardship 200 (I expect this to be hard)
7. Run with hardship 250 (I expect this to be very hard)
8. Run with hardship 300 (I expect this to be insane)

Technically, I could split it up in 5 more runs of 30 step each above 150, but I don't care for playing easy runs anymore. I just wanna be challenged.

The reason why I expect difficulty to go up a notch now is because at this high a hardship, I have no choice but start raising the zombie's speeds, which means I won't be able to just rush for the fuel anymore, I'll have to handle them instead of just running. We'll see how it goes :D
Michael 29 Dec, 2024 @ 7:06pm 
5 hours later I finished the "endgame endgame" content, or the 3 extra runs that I planned.

6. Run 6 at 200 threat, took me 4 tries, the 4th I got +30% speed perk and it gave me that extra boost to outrun the zombies and make it to fuel easier. That was hard! Or at least compared to every other run before it. Winning run took me ~45 minutes.
7. Run 7 at 250 threat, took me 3 tries, the 3rd I again got the +30% speed perk and it gave me that extra boost to outrun the zombie sand make it to fuel easier. That was hard too! Or at least more so than the other ones. Winning run took me ~35 minutes.
8. Run 8 and final one at 300 threat, took me 9 tries. the 9th I got a M249 in the shop and started the run with the M249 and 100 bullets. That helped quite a bit. Winning run took me 24 minutes and 41 seconds.

These 3 runs were much more challenging than the 5 initial ones, I had to be quick on my feet, a small mistake would be fatal. That being said, I thought the upped difficulty would slow the game down a bit, but the thing is that at 300 threat, you have -50% initial HP and +50% infection rate. At first I was rushing for fuel because the zombies were not a threat, but when playing at 300 threat, I'm still rushing.. I have no choice but to rush NON-STOP because the clock is ticking fast. Hence why I got such a better time on my final and hardest run than the others. I didn't have any time to rest or think or explore, just RUSH RUSH RUSH or else the infection will kill me before the end.

These 3 extra runs were fun and challenging, but I wish it had been more methodical and slower paced than just RUSH RUSH RUSH for fuel or else you run out of time. I already maxed out all the threat levels so there's nothing left I can play with as far as in-game settings go, but I imagine a much more interesting final run would have been something like -90% loot, and no change on initial HP nor infection rate. The loot is way high even on max threat, I'm finding hundreds and hundreds of ammo everywhere. Additionally to a massive loot reduction, zombies need something that make them less ignorable. When I rush I pass by tons of zombies with little consequence. Maybe reducing sprint speed as another threat setting? I feel like these 2 changes would turn it around into a far more methodical slow-paced survival game and more interesting than the endgame we have now.
Michael 29 Dec, 2024 @ 8:09pm 
AH. I got an idea for a NG+ kind of thing. I was thinking if there was a way to remove my upgrades, because by my last 300 threat run, I had fully maxed my upgrade tree. So I thought, the only reason this is doable is because my upgrades are maxed out. So, what if I didn't have those upgrades? I went to the main menu and saw the save slot thingy. So here's how to do a NG+: select a new slot so to start a new save, but this time around, NO upgrades are allowed and NO buying from the city shop is allowed (but buying from the truck shop is fine, the one that spawns on maps at random). When I did my first playthrough, I was always seeking the next upgrade to make further progress easier and easier. By the time I had all the upgrades, I felt like I was playing a batman game because I was moving and attacking so fast. I wonder how hard it is to beat this game with no upgrades or city shop allowed. Excluding the hardships runs for now, just the story mode should be an insane challenge with no upgrades. That's gonna be my NG+ run. My gut tells me this is gonna be FAR harder than the 300 threat run. I'll see how it goes.
Michael 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:36pm 
Yep, that was much better. Everything else was tame compared to this NG+ run. Starting anew with no upgrades and no gear shop is the challenge I was looking for. At first I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to get through the story missions because I didn't have the bolt cutters, but turns out the game plays perfectly without them, it's just harder. That was also my longest run ever, but I failed at 1h49 minutes. I made it all the way to the ending zone WITHOUT dying. I made it through half of the points of hell. Found myself a nice AK-47 to use all the accumulated 7.62 ammo I collected throughout the run (about 150 rounds). Turns out without all the loot upgrades, loot is pretty scarce and the game feels like a true survival game again. And without all the loot upgrades, the pace of the game is much, much slower, and allows for a more methodical play style that I was seeking for. I was kept on my toes and concerned about running out of ammo constantly, but I always found just a bit more ammo to keep going. And without the bag upgrades, inventory management MATTERS. I had to make decisions about what to take and what to leave all the time. I had to leave my 5.56 rifle to grab that AK-47 because I was too heavy carrying 2 rifles at the same time and the rest was too important to get rid of. By the end of the run, I had 50 hp left, the other 50 taken by the infection. And I died by 1 single hp. A zombie touched me and took 10 hp, so I was down to 40. And the zombie while coming to me triggered a mine to explode, that mine just barely reached me in its area of effect, and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ killed me with 40 damage. That, was hard. I'm kinda eager of starting over, I mean I learn from my mistakes every time and I do better each time around. My mistake number 1 was to not make obtaining serum priority number 1 at all times. If I had focused on getting serum more, I could have had kept my HP higher than 50 by the end, and I'd have survived that mine explosion. I mean, only 55 would have been enough. Not to say that I wouldn't have died sooner after, I died on a mine on that mission where you get locked up in a cage with like 30 zombies. I was so eager to see if I could make it through that point, but that stupid mine got the best of me. I'm eager to keep playing. Now that I've unlocked most of the story, I'm gonna be able to make it back to that point faster because I can skip nodes. Still no upgrades allowed.

I was thinking if I make it through, I'm gonna unlock the hardship runs. And if it's already that hard to finish the game without upgrades, I can't imagine what kind of nightmarish kind of difficulty it would be to win hardship runs without upgrades. Anyhow, I wrote this whole thread because I wanted more endgame content. And hell did I figure it out. "Just" replay the whole game, but with no upgrades this time around. In contrast, it now feels like a true survival game where before it felt like a run and gun action game. THAT's what's I'm talking about.
Originally posted by Michael:
In the meanwhile, I'm gonna make up imaginary extra hardship runs.

If this is the endgame content:

1. Run with hardship 30 (hard because I didn't know what I was doing)
2. Run with hardship 60 (slightly easier but still hard)
3. Run with hardship 90 (medium, I'm getting smart enough to just run for the fuel)
4. Run with hardship 120 (easy, just rush for the fuel and avoid zombies)
5. Run with hardship 150 (easy, just rush for the fuel and avoid zombies)

This is the endgame endgame content that I'm gonna play soon:

6. Run with hardship 200 (I expect this to be hard)
7. Run with hardship 250 (I expect this to be very hard)
8. Run with hardship 300 (I expect this to be insane)

Technically, I could split it up in 5 more runs of 30 step each above 150, but I don't care for playing easy runs anymore. I just wanna be challenged.

The reason why I expect difficulty to go up a notch now is because at this high a hardship, I have no choice but start raising the zombie's speeds, which means I won't be able to just rush for the fuel anymore, I'll have to handle them instead of just running. We'll see how it goes :D

I've done number 8 years back, wasn't so bad.
Last edited by The Naughty Dwelf; 8 Jan @ 6:20pm
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