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Can we stop fighting on the forums?
These forums were never a stranger to disagreement, sometimes heated. But I feel like this last season has made people more argumentative then usual. More people are trying to "own" the other side and personally attack them. Maybe its somehow related to the content drought, but its kind of depressing. Aside from the posts talking about technical issues, most of them seem to bring up some people throwing out some of the harshest insults they think they can get away with, for fairly petty disagreements.

I reiterate that I never expected these forums to just be peachy and wholesome places where no one ever gets upset. Heck, I admit I get some entertainment from the occasional bit of drama. But I feel like its getting out of hand now. I know I'm just a stranger on these forums, but I beg people here to really think about the messages they put out for other people to read. If this post causes even one person to reconsider and take a higher road once, I'd be happy.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Kerby 8 Sep @ 7:59am 
That's just the internet (and possibly life) in general. You're not gonna change how it works. Compared to how things used to be in the past, steam discussions are very, very tame.
you should get a job that involves typing if u care that much ksksksksksksk
Buzzsaw 9 Sep @ 12:15am 
Eh, I guess there isn't much chance of this making any difference. I'm just depressed because I feel like these forums used to be pretty good. Now they're just kind of fine.

But hey! At least I got a wholesome award. Maybe I should get a job in typing after all. :2018salienpsychic:
yeo_ 9 Sep @ 12:46am 
there’s no point in trying to be an ambassador for a game that lacks a dev team lol

while buzzsaw is right, these nerds don’t wanna be saved - not that you’d want to if they’re insulting u too
just start spamming the report button on the 5 people who troll these forums. like you said. they'll get the picture eventually.

The devs seems to care more about removing posts here over actually making their game better lol
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