Weapons/Gadget effectivness
So I'm on the last mission (I think) and I've unlocked (almost) all the weapons and gadgets (spoilers below.) I'm curious how other people rate the weapons and gadgets.... here are my ratings

Higgs Boson Field Generator 10/10 must have. Please note that some of the upgrades for this weapon can significantly limit it. I took the slower but shorter range and regretted it. Wish there was a way to respec these choices.

Laserizer 9/10 must have. Only good weapon I've found for taking out mummies and other high HP targets at range.

Now the rest:
Plasma thrower 5/10 - Short range
Rocket Launcher 5/10 - Short range
Hard light projector 3/10 - Extremely short range, can't really figure out the benefits of this gun
Test Tube Launcher 5/10 - Short range attack, but maybe sometimes the bubbles are useful?
Riftinator 7/10 - Useful for teleporting mobs further away... sometimes...
Quantum Modifer 4/10 - Short range, healing is way less important than doing damage at a decent range.

So sum up weapons, it feels like Higgs Boson and Laserizer are WAAAAAY better than anything else which is a drag.

Time Bomb - 10/10 Pretty much a must have. I don't really understand all the ways to control giving time to other team members etc, but it's basic usefulness of basically getting an extra turn is awesome. I often try to save time, but instead trigger the throw time bomb. I'm not sure how to just store time... sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Rocket Boots- 6/10 Decent but there is a high chance of blowing a jump and knocking yourself down.
Subdueler- 6/10 Ok, but kind of tough to understand how many mobs it wills stun and I think only available every other round.
Propeller- 8/10 Great item for high mobility missions
Uncertainity Helmet- 3/10 ... cool item but I have yet to see it actually help me
Transpositron- 1/10 ... never really figured out when this item could be used and when it couldn't
EE Colander- 6/10 Seems cool to have an AE buff but later levels your scientists seem to spread out more.
Max Plank- 4/10 So hard to control even with the upgrades. I hate this because it seems like it should be really good for flying, etc, but never mastered it.
Gravity Distorter- 1/10 I have yet to deploy this in a way that has been useful to my team after many tries

I would like to see more balanced equipment, right now there seem to be 2 guns that are a "must" and then a bunch of mediocre weapons. Same with Gadgets, only 2 seem awesome, and the rest are either too hard to use or seemingly ineffective.

What are other people's thoughts?
Ultima modifica da Lucky Mud; 17 giu 2022, ore 22:30
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As you may have noticed at this point, there are no "other people" here.
SHAZAM!  [sviluppatore] 23 giu 2022, ore 18:05 
Hi nbsgamer, thanks for your post.

It really comes down to personal preference or how you like to play.
Even within the team we all have our own preferences of equipment and combinations of them. Personally, the Transpositron is one of my absolute favorites - extremely fun and highly useful. The Hard Light Projector is effectively a shotgun (yes you need to get close) but with the added benefit of being able to shoot through things. I won't spoil it, but against certain enemies it's easily the most powerful weapon. I could go on, as each weapon and gadget has situations where they excel at.

I think it's just like any other game - everyone has their preferences. Thanks for sharing yours!
Now this is the kind of quality posting you'd expect to find in this steam forum.
I just played through the entire game and I have no idea how to unlock the Quantum Modifer. It was never an option under "Research Weapons". Any one else have this problem?
"Thank you for having preferences." Having worked and shipped many games in past lives, the developer response is NOT the way you respond to a post like mine. Posts like mine are providing you valuable feedback into weaknesses of your game. Developer response was entirely patronizing.
I just got game over the summer sale so I havent tried all yet

Gravity distorter is impossible for melee enemies to walk out of and it's big enough to get about 3 of them. I thought it was okay to stall eg on flamethrower chararher for guys I can't reach in one turn

I think hard light gun is meant for cubes, not sure if it'll multihit some of the big guys later or if I imagine it.

I agree that the few long range weapons seem best on "average" missions.
finished at 14 hours (some time wasted switching between co-op and singleplayer)

Weapons - Most Used to Least

Higs Boson - The best weapon, not even close - I took ONLY the slow upgrade, the other upgrades seem like they make it weaker (speed/knockback = not holding the enemies in the electrity radius longer)
Laserizer - Great for Mummies, Runners, Werewolf, Vampire, 1st phase Troll, could headshot 4-5 small enemies (ghost/zombies) on small levels but better to leave them for other chars
Hard Light - Very good for 2nd phase troll, I think it slightly outdamages flamethrower at close range too.
Tesseract Launcher - Radius is crazy huge, but damage didn't scale as well as Higgs Boson to lategame.. Mines are nice because things that don't die still basically lose their entire turn due to having "slow" knockback. I even killed a charaters OWN boogeyman with it once. Would have used it more but I didn't dare use it without rocket boots because of worry about hitting allies.
Scoop Rocket - With default upgrades its pretty terrible, I actually intentionally shot off center to hit ground because i DIDN"T want enemies in air most of time. Horizontal upgrade version would probbably be fun on final map but, giant death cliffs are pretty rare in rest of game.
Quantum Modifier - Very comfortable on level with tons of ghosts, but that's about it.
Test Tube Launcher - messy and kind of short range, better than scoop rocket on normal maps.
Plasma Burner - works okay for easy missions but later when 8-12 enemies can appear at once its awful useless.
Riftinator - The most thematic weapon, I didn't practice with it enough but it could really delete a Mummy/Werewolf in one go. ALWAYS used unsummon for small enemies for easier aiming. didn't try ANY of the movement stuff at all.

Gadgets most used to least

Transpositron - Amazing: used to revive semi unreachable charathers, used to give all 3 guys the benefit of the Rocket charathers movement, used to kidnap trolls for easy close range kills - Carried by Laserizer charather. The 10 Seconds to do an objective turns into 5-6 from Rocket charathers + rest by transpositron charater to do them in 1 turn.

Rocket Boots - Good with practice, and I think the way monster spawning favors it, if 1 charather is REALLY far away they tend to have nothing after them (abusable for super long levels like the Northern Wastes) But on a small scale its good for position.

Gravity Distorter - Only get it every 2 turns, BUT it holds everything. Melee enemies, Jumping Trolls, ranged attacks (Mummy/etc) you can't usually shoot at enemies in it, except if you shoot on last charather to move with your action time so that the explosion is still going off at enemy turn when they are dragged to center.... Unupgraded I used it on runners 2-3 at once, after upgrade I used it on anything and could have 5-8 monsters in it.

Propeller - I found it a bit awkward and hurt myself more often than with rocket boots, its okay because its shareable. The real downside is that Zombie Runners are SUPER good at using it so you kinda want to throw a second one into a corner so they don't follow you up.

Subdueler - I found this very inconsistent compared to the Gravity, hit less guys at once, have to make sure it hits from front, very bad at heights,sometimes they just don't dance.
Max Plank - Fun but crazy dangerous until you get the upgrade, and even after it kinda has bad accleration, so I think rocketboot/propller can get more distance in same action time.

EE Goolander ( Unlocked after credits) - In 3 Star / Final Mission enemies like Mummy/Zombie Runner don't die to one headshot from Laserizer anymore and some weapons benefit more from it than others.

Time Bomb (Unlocked after credits) - The 4th turn was useful wish It didn't end up behind Advanced Vampire Assassin research ><

Uncertainty Helmet (Unlocked after credits) - I think this is a stronger enemy distraction than un-upgraded gravity, but with upgrade gravity sligtly wins.
Ultima modifica da Reality; 17 lug 2023, ore 8:08
I just beat this on game pass and liked it a lot. My loadout ended up being Laserizer + EE Goolander, Tesseract Launcher + Rocket Boots, and Higgs Boson Field Generater + Time Bomb, so yeah it seems like I also ended up having a similar opinion on what was strong as the other people in this thread.
Old post, but...

Higgs Boson - Definitely a top 3 weapon, but also replaceable later by any fully upgraded explosive weapon with them having either better reliable damage (tesserocket) or more utility (tube launcher's bubble or booster rocket's rapid reload on primary shots that pick up enemies).

Laserizer - definitely another top 3 and is also harder to replace, and yet you can still completely ignore it if you have test tube launcher, tesserocket, or riftinator.

Plasma Thrower - Yep, pretty mid. The only significant use I got out of it was as a stun tool when leaving ice on the ground. Since enemy pathing is pretty simple you can preemptively stun multiple targets which can cause them to body-block other enemies behind them.

Rocket Booster Launcher - Doesn't really shine until you get the horizontal range and cluster rocket upgrades. Afterwards It becomes a pretty strong balance of damage and crowd control.

Hard Light Projector - ... I'm gonna have to attack the dev's comment a little bit here. While it can be a great tool against phase 2 trolls and poltergeist's objects there's one big catch to that... You have to close the distance first which directly translates to you doing less damage that turn as well as likely moving from a safer position to do so. Your biggest resource in this game is Time and no other weapon will waste it like the HLP. It's a bit better with the knockback upgrade as a defensive tool, but that's pretty much its only real value.

Every weapon is usable if you build your entire team around it, but none will hold you back as much as the HLP.

Test Tube Launcher - It's range isn't too short, it ragdolls most enemies making them waste their turn hitting the ground and getting back up, and has the bubbles that can both block mummies, poltergeist AND heal the team if needed. If I'm scoring it then I'd say 7/10 if a laserizer is on the team and 8/10 otherwise.

Riftinator - The singular weapon that I will outright call OP. The mobility it gives would make it top tier even if you took away its primary fire. With it you can have 1 character carry your entire team across the map without spending the other 2's Time. You can move so far that enemies don't have the option of fighting you unless you let them. Even if someone dies it can be used to reach the body then teleport yourself and said body away from danger before reviving. On top of all that it can be used to go through walls and climb buildings/cliffs without using stairs/lifts. Broken.

Quantum Modifier - Yep, pretty bad. The general value of things in this game goes Time/mobility > Immediate Damage > Health/Healing. So its strong suit is the least important thing in the game while using it to kill stuff will waste the most important.

The abusable Gadgets

Time Bomb - The singular OP gadget. The biggest value you get out of it is free reloads. Use your weapon -> repeatedly store and consume time to reload -> rinse and repeat. Any weapon that reloads gets a crazy dps increase.

Subdueler and Gravity Distorter - Both are crowd control items you'd use at the end of your turn, but I'm only talking about how to abuse them. The way the Devs tried to balance them is by making them usable once every other turn, but if you end your turn after throwing them and before they actually activate you'll be able to use them every turn to basically stun-lock enemies. Otherwise Gravity distorter is the worse of the 2 while Subdueler typically won't matter most of the time, but could be a life saver when it does.

Propeller - You can throw it at the bottom/top of stairs and watch melee enemies go flying when they try to reach you.
Ultima modifica da Xeno'dere; 15 apr, ore 15:08
Oh wow I didn't know about that time bomb reload "exploit", it seems strong even without that.
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