Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

new to elementalist
any elite trees that would be fun?
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Go to the PvP lobby and try them all. As long as you have their respective expansion, you can try them out for free there. There are dummies, NPCs that attack back, and a practice arena to go against other players.
I haven't used Catalyst much yet, but I enjoy Weaver the most, it maximizes the unique aspect of the class being to swap between all four elements as often as possible to use all the skills. You almost never have to just autoattack while waiting for cooldowns, it is constant skill usage, which while overwhelming, is also quite fun.
Origineel geplaatst door ♥♥♥♥♥♥:
I haven't used Catalyst much yet, but I enjoy Weaver the most, it maximizes the unique aspect of the class being to swap between all four elements as often as possible to use all the skills. You almost never have to just autoattack while waiting for cooldowns, it is constant skill usage, which while overwhelming, is also quite fun.
yieks , isn´t it more like keybord acrobatics ?
Catalyst+Hammer is fun, and switching between elements will keep you busy enough to not have to rotate to another weapon
I personally really like the Tempest with their elemental overloads. I especially like using fresh air to constantly reset the air element cooldown so I can keep spamming the air overload every few seconds.
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