Art of the Rail

Art of the Rail

Toto téma bylo uzamčeno
"Not Really Been In the Mood for Posting on Steam"
aaaaand that's a wrap.

I'm not in the "mood" to have this on my wishlist any more.

Talk about a slap in the face to your customer base. The title of this thread is the FIRST line of the July 15th update. Jesus H. Effing CHRIST.

Naposledy upravil Swisspike; 16. čvc. 2023 v 11.18
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JoelleEmmily původně napsal:
He prefers his Discord server man harem. Men, young and old, all typing furiously to tell him how great and brilliant he is, and how mean and unreasonable we all are. There's an in group, and and out group... you and I my friend, as well as most of the other 7.88 billion humans on this planet, we're in the out group... We don't make him feel good enough about himself to be his friend...

He alluded as to not being able to accept criticism. Fair enough.

I was a weather forecaster for 35 years, prior to retirement. I had the inability to not accept failure or criticism ... beaten out of me around 1980 or so.
JoelleEmmily původně napsal:
Swisspike původně napsal:

He alluded as to not being able to accept criticism. Fair enough.

I was a weather forecaster for 35 years, prior to retirement. I had the inability to not accept failure or criticism ... beaten out of me around 1980 or so.

He he he... I'm an economics major! I have the same t-shirt! No one's listens, but still your fault.

Economics behave. I love me a good excel spreadsheet. The atmosphere ... does not. My wife and grandkids are swimming in our subdivision's large lazy river swimming area..and I hear thunder coming from the west. Oops.
Rocket  [vývojář] 16. čvc. 2023 v 22.21 
This post breaches the Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content. Note these will be strictly enforced here, by both us and Steam Support moderators.

Please have a think about your online behavior, and if you can't follow these guidelines and engage positively I recommend that you both stop posting.

I have locked this thread.
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