PowerWash Simulator

PowerWash Simulator

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Developers - Please Make Co-Op More Accessible
Players needing codes to be able to join other players' games limits the online player base. A lot of people don't use message boards or have friends who play the game.

A limited player base, compared to what it could be, shortens the lifespan of online co-op. Servers shut down if there aren't many players.

Co-op for a game like this should be a drop-in drop-out feature, with the option for the host to kick players who are inactive or mouthing off.

Please consider making co-op more open to players.
Last edited by AdApt*; 27 Jan @ 1:28am
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Please add this feature!! I just bought the game and thought the Co-op lets you just join random people's games.

I wish there's a way for people to start a Co-op game, then start the washing while waiting for people to join in to help. It'll also be cool to add a feature where you can adjust the # of people you'd like to join & a group chat.

Please, please consider this!!
AdApt* 28 Jan @ 9:34pm 
Originally posted by blankpixels:
I wish there's a way for people to start a Co-op game, then start the washing while waiting for people to join in to help

You can do this. Just start up the level then enable co-op in the tablet.
idkemily 29 Jan @ 9:33am 
Originally posted by AdApt*:
Originally posted by blankpixels:
I wish there's a way for people to start a Co-op game, then start the washing while waiting for people to join in to help

You can do this. Just start up the level then enable co-op in the tablet.
Is it with random people who are able to join? Or do you have to give people your code? I have 250 hours on this game across all platforms and haven’t bothered with co-op due to the code system.
AdApt* 31 Jan @ 8:56pm 
Originally posted by idkemily:
Originally posted by AdApt*:

You can do this. Just start up the level then enable co-op in the tablet.
Is it with random people who are able to join? Or do you have to give people your code? I have 250 hours on this game across all platforms and haven’t bothered with co-op due to the code system.

Randoms. No one on my friend list has the game.
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