Ron 2020. jún. 30., 10:35
Achievements, please ?
Hi, after i've seen thousands of games it's hard that anything still could impress me, anyway your game did that, very original concept and awesome artistic realization, i would love to play your game together with few Steamworks Achievements, thanks in advance :fod2heart:
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115/127 megjegyzés mutatása
Yep same for me. Give us precious cheevos!
Yes please give lots of achievements!!
+1 for adding Steam Achievements
-1 I'd rather enjoy the gameplay than worry about getting meaningless cheevz.
Bomoo eredeti hozzászólása:
-1 I'd rather enjoy the gameplay than worry about getting meaningless cheevz.

LOL, they're optional.
Nobody is forcing you to chase any achievements
The0Warrior eredeti hozzászólása:
Bomoo eredeti hozzászólása:
-1 I'd rather enjoy the gameplay than worry about getting meaningless cheevz.

LOL, they're optional.
Nobody is forcing you to chase any achievements

Agreed. There's always a smart pants to come to an achiv topic and write about "dont ruin the game with achivs".
Agree, Add steam achievements please, thanks.
I would appreciate this having achievements, even if they're just to play for 10 minutes & to play for 1 hour.
how do you add achievements without a game?
what achieves are you going to get for this?

its one thing to sit there and ask for achieves, but you, and all the others, forget to mention any sort of achieves.

like, build a 6x6 block, add a balcony, make stairs, make a statue....

no. no achieves in this game. not all games need them for starters and some games are better without them. next youre gonna start asking for multiplayer.

biggest facepalm ever
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Ralistu; 2020. szept. 16., 10:03
Ralistu eredeti hozzászólása:
what achieves are you going to get for this.

its one thing to sit there and ask for achieves, but you, and all the others, forget to mention any sort of achieves.

like, build a 6x6 block, add a balcony, make stairs, make a statue....

no. no achieves in this game. not all games need them for starters and some games are better without them. next youre gonna start asking for multiplayer.

biggest facepalm ever

There is always that one in every party, you don't have to be triggered by a request.
It's an optional thing if they added it, no one is forcing you to do them add if the devs want ideas the whole community will be happy to provide them.
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