How to create elevated pathway?
I somehow created an elevated "foundaton". It's 4-5 blocks up, and instead of a roof top, it's flat and has the same texture as the base foundation. I can get them to occur but not reliably. It works in one place and not another and I'm not quite sure why. Anyone do this, and know the rules for creating these?
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So maybe these are the elusive flat roofed houses. If I have a row of normal houses and I connect it to a row of these flat roofed houses, the normal roofs all turn to flat roofs. Still not sure what triggers the initial creation.
AFAIK any surface that is one or two cells in width and of equal height will be roofed, and anything else will be flat.
Aha! That is the magic! And once it's flat, it stays flat. and if you connect it to non-flat roof houses, they turn flat. Nice! tyvm
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