Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 2004

ChoVah 26 May, 2024 @ 7:46pm
This game can exist again... in Fortnite
The mechanics inside Fortnite as a base game can almost do exactly what UT did. It just needs game modes, and maps. That is all possible in UEFN and Creative... is anyone dabbling in Fortnite and Creative that want to team up? I have created DM-Grendelkeep inside fortnite itself already, I have also created vCTF maps. ONS would take some work but the mechanics are there...
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
hamsta 7 Jun, 2024 @ 1:24am 
Is it possible to play in 1st person in Fortnite, сreate weapon models and so on?
Razör 10 Jun, 2024 @ 1:32pm 
Why would i wanna support that tard game? It preys on kids, it's genuinely obnoxious to look at, and it's headed by a company that doesn't respect the players.
Jimelu 23 Sep, 2024 @ 5:18am 
Or they could just re-release it, you know, since there was literally no reason to delist it.
Valerianne 8 Nov, 2024 @ 3:39pm 
In general Fortnite similar to Overwatch hasn't invented something new they copied old games mechanics with Doom lan play , Quake 2 , Unreal & Unreal Tournament 1999 ( UT99 ) , Quake 3 Arena , Counter Strike 1.5,1.6, etc ...

What has changed is the players being less mature than what it was in the 90's and early 2000's .
i know kung fu 21 Nov, 2024 @ 10:47pm 
Originally posted by Jimelu:
Or they could just re-release it, you know, since there was literally no reason to delist it.
Swaggaccino 3 Dec, 2024 @ 9:48am 
UT4 was like 60%+ done. Weapons, character models, infrastructure, gunplay was all set up and working when Epic pulled the plug. The only thing that was missing was the bigger maps and Onslaught/Assault. Why not just finish that?
Valerianne 3 Dec, 2024 @ 3:32pm 
Why is Unreal and Unreal Tournament not more available on Steam biggest mistake ever . Only to promote Fortnite which is cr*p . The term Battle Royale is not new since it existed with Doom 1993 lan parties and other fps games in the 90's and early 2000's .

Glad i still have Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament 2004 on Steam but none is online anymore so only playing with is great too as just having fun before going to bed after a hard day of work .
Can it do Monster Mash Invasion RPG? I think not.
Kai 25 Dec, 2024 @ 1:14pm 
Not gonna touch fortnite even for this, havent touched it yet, never will.
Irenicus 15 Jan @ 12:08pm 
I think the commentors are missing your point. I dont think by modding fortnite you are supporting it at all. Youre making free content using it as a base Epic profits in no way at all. Hopefully you find someone to work with.
Fortnite is krap
Originally posted by Valerianne:
Glad i still have Unreal Gold and Unreal Tournament 2004 on Steam but none is online anymore so only playing with is great too as just having fun before going to bed after a hard day of work .

The sad part is that time waits for no one and people simply move on. The difference between today and 2004 is 21 years. It's like the difference between 2004 and 1983. How many people do you know that were still playing PacMan competitively in 2004? Exactly.

That being said I do hate Fortnite but I understand why it's popular :(
Zephos 28 Feb @ 5:56pm 
Originally posted by Dilla:
Why would i wanna support that tard game? It preys on kids, it's genuinely obnoxious to look at, and it's headed by a company that doesn't respect the players.
this is true honestly..they stopped working on the original fortnite within months of the BR releasing ppl that paid 40+$ for some over 90 like me for the founders edition jsut for them to stop adding new stufff

for those that dont know fortnite used to be what is basically a tower defense you would build around whatever the current obj was build traps and defenses and fight off wave after wave of zombies was actually kinda fun
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