Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal Tournament 2004

how to get new teammamtes in single player?
I want to have robots and skarrj teammates in the single player mode but can't figure out how. does anyone know if it's possible?
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noctilucus 30 Dec, 2024 @ 7:15am 
At the start of the tournament, you only have access to human players. Later on when you're facing teams with robots, you can challenge them to steal one of their team members.
I don't recall any Skaarj teams from the top of my head.
Originally posted by noctilucus:
At the start of the tournament, you only have access to human players. Later on when you're facing teams with robots, you can challenge them to steal one of their team members.
I don't recall any Skaarj teams from the top of my head.

yeah nah I know that but I saw a thread a while ago talking about how you could like import models into the singleplayer but couldn't get it to work. was hoping to someone new might know how but eh
Didn't test it myself and ain't sure if it works, but I think you have to dig in direction of "xplayer*" (both .upl and .int) text files in \System subdirectory of the game after importing model files. Existing team "SPECIES" are described there.
Last edited by gold_stein; 24 Jan @ 5:55pm
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