F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch

F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch

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Japanimater 11 września 2021 o 3:22
[PS4] Not possible to finish Master Wu's training due to timing
It's not possible to complete all of Master Wu's training due to some attacks animations and prerequisites taking longer than each step allows.
The ones I'm stuck on is the Down+Triangle attack of page 2/2 of the Fist Training and Square (Hold) on page 2/3 of the Advanced Training.
As soon as I complete the previous move, I start the next, but I get the incorrect-move/too-late error before the attack animation finishes or the attack finishes charging.
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 26 komentarzy
fastica 13 września 2021 o 15:53 
Have you checked let's play videos in Youtube?
Japanimater 13 września 2021 o 18:39 
Początkowo opublikowane przez fastica:
Have you checked let's play videos in Youtube?
Or rather, I should say the timing is too unforgiving.
I know some people have managed to do it, but I'm sure they're in a slim minority.
I tried it for a combined total of 30 minutes, but then decided the Platinum Trophy wasn't worth the headache.
I feel as though it should be balanced.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Japanimater; 16 września 2021 o 19:54
Controller Hog 16 września 2021 o 19:35 
While I agree that the timing does indeed suck and a LOT of things need to be balanced in this game, the training is very doable. There's a couple of the combos that require timing that you'd never actually do in combat, so be ready for that! (I'm one of those who actually has completed the training and got the trophy for it.)
Bearfeetz 17 września 2021 o 17:28 
Its doable but it is a complete pita, especially the mid-air attacks. I finished apprentice to master training in about an hour.
Mr Murkle 7 października 2021 o 2:46 
Made it up to the "Master" training and I just cannot be bothered to continue trying on it. The switching weapons accompanied by needing the left stick for the special moves is just too much. There's no way I'd ever use combos like that in a game, some people might but to me the controls in this game are far too clumsy and unintuitive. Guess I'll just head off and kill the boss. Shame really, as I was so close to getting a 100%.
Fenmore 7 października 2021 o 3:05 
Best way to do it (I know it's probably the fist attacks) is dash right after into the dummy and then continue the combo. I did it, you can do it
Shirakani 7 października 2021 o 4:12 
You do not have to wait for the previous attack's animation to finish if you are doing weapon switch combos, just attack, it will cancel the last attack.

The combos are similar to fighting game combos, cancelling is a thing.
Stabosotos 2 listopada 2021 o 4:18 
On ps4 this cant be done. Framedrops and screen freeze are all over the place. So frequently that even the commands dont register. I regret the decision buying this broken game.
Nepjune 3 listopada 2021 o 7:26 
If you press the button to switch weapons before you finish the current attack, it will change the weapon immediately after the attack finishes making the combos significantly easier to perform. I originally had a little trouble with getting some combos to work but after learning this, I was able to consistently perform the combos every time
Nagumo 13 listopada 2021 o 14:21 
After seeing that the mastery training unlocks the last skills i take a last run on them. After a hour i have done it on my PS5.....all but the intermediate one (the one with changing from fist to the drill) :(

Mayber later that one i will try another day...now my thumbs are hurting XD

There is only one skill locked so i believe this opens after doing this last training, or is unlocked by something else?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Nagumo; 13 listopada 2021 o 14:22
Radek 15 listopada 2021 o 12:23 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Mr Murkle:
Made it up to the "Master" training and I just cannot be bothered to continue trying on it. The switching weapons accompanied by needing the left stick for the special moves is just too much. There's no way I'd ever use combos like that in a game, some people might but to me the controls in this game are far too clumsy and unintuitive. Guess I'll just head off and kill the boss. Shame really, as I was so close to getting a 100%.

As a tip that I only remembered during this training - L1/L2 cycle through weapons in either direction (I knew about L1 going fist>drill>whip, but missed that L2 cycles the other direction) - you don't need to jump to the d-pad.

Combine that with working out you can input attacks in sequence without waiting for previous to finish (and if you do wait, you'll drop combo.. ) as mentioned elsewhere in thread, and I got through it. Still, pretty tight timing to pull things off.
Nagumo 15 listopada 2021 o 13:17 
Ah, that tip is useful about L1/L2 to switch weapons. Despite the game is telling that in the beginning i totally forget that option. Thx :paperheart:
Wig Bang 21 listopada 2021 o 20:36 
surprisingly the last combo on intermediate training gave me more difficulty than any of the advanced or master training.

i found it so difficult to pull off two hits in the air after the up+triangle and it was far more likely that only one would register or it'd do three (resulting in a knock back of the dummy and a failure anyway)

advanced and master were really hard and took a lot of tries and patience but with them it always felt like my fault that i messed up, which kept me going until i completed them.
FlameGauge 27 grudnia 2022 o 17:14 
Really late but for people coming here having issues with the fist training 2/2
When it says jump, it means jump "mid air" immediately after the up heavy.
I was struggling for the longest time waiting to land on the ground before doing a short hop then the air attacks. I could land all the moves that way but it never accepted the last down heavy. You can do the last 3 moves much higher up than it feels like you should be able to.
Also if you're struggling to hit on the up heavy, only approach the dummy from the left, cus the up heavy is bugged (on pc at least) and only hits to your right regardless of which direction you're facing, so it'll never hit the dummy if you attack from the right.
Paras 23 lutego 2023 o 18:15 
Yeah I have the same problem and finally gave up on this task. I just can't finish the last training and Im sick of trying.
My problem is that most of the time I have a random delay when switching the tools that prevents me from continue the comboattacks since they're mostly timed. It needs to be one smooth sequence but it isn't and I fail to compensate this all the time.
And when it works (like 1 out of 10 or 20 times) Im most of the time kinda suprised because I just didn't expect it (anymore) to work this time and screw up because of that.
But not only that... very often the sequence of this instruction or checklist just doesn't accepts the attacks or is to slow following, what confuses me or just screws the order because the next attack wont be accepted.
I just HATE it! I wished I could just cheat to get this done... because it is the only thing Im missing ... well... ALLMOST because the main reason to finish it would be the mystery shard you get when its done.
Since you need all 4 you can't open the gate in the Ancient Complex -.-
Not sure if it would be easier with a controller - I not have one and play with mouse and keyboard. I mean actually it should be easy... if the mechanics or gameflow would be right and run smoothly. It just doesn't feel right - you just can't put the commands in one after another... all about timing and right combination but I just cannot get it done. Tried propably 1000 times now and every time it fails.
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