F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch

F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch

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17RLB17 3 Feb, 2022 @ 12:56pm
Awful FPS drops and stuttering - 3090 and I71100K
From the looks of things, I'm not the only person to experience this but does anyone have any solutions to make this game run better?

Whether I'm on max settings on 4k or I take it down to 1080p with lower graphics settings, I cannot get this to run well at all.

I'd appreciate any solutions to this as I really want to play this game.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Nimafor 5 Feb, 2022 @ 9:09am 
Yeah i also want to play the game but man the performance is terrible, i am running it on a 3080 with a amd 5900x and my performance is also terrible. Still searching myself if there is a solution.
Sadly reviews didn't mention anything about the horrible performance, still on the fence if i should request a refund and buy it again when/if they fix it.

If you manage to find one before me please give me an update :)
17RLB17 5 Feb, 2022 @ 9:25am 
Originally posted by Nimafor:
Yeah i also want to play the game but man the performance is terrible, i am running it on a 3080 with a amd 5900x and my performance is also terrible. Still searching myself if there is a solution.
Sadly reviews didn't mention anything about the horrible performance, still on the fence if i should request a refund and buy it again when/if they fix it.

If you manage to find one before me please give me an update :)

Yeah, that really annoyed me. I hope it's something obvious or a setting somewhere because I'm past the refund window (I did try siting the crap performance on an expensive card, and it being my first request, but no luck). Will respond here if I find a solution!
17RLB17 5 Feb, 2022 @ 9:39am 
Originally posted by Nimafor:
Yeah i also want to play the game but man the performance is terrible, i am running it on a 3080 with a amd 5900x and my performance is also terrible. Still searching myself if there is a solution.
Sadly reviews didn't mention anything about the horrible performance, still on the fence if i should request a refund and buy it again when/if they fix it.

If you manage to find one before me please give me an update :)

Ok so I forgot I had NVIDIA Profile Inspector and this seemed to help with the FPS drops (still having some tearing issues) but install this find F.I.S.T in the drop down and then click apply changes on the right hand side. Let me know if this helps!

GloatingSwine 7 Feb, 2022 @ 2:20pm 
I had a lot of stutter whilst I had the game installed on a HDD. Migrated it to my SSD and it hasn't done it since.

The framerate is consistent except for occasionally in Joffre street after leaving a menu, when it'll tank from ~80fps to 20 or so for about 30 seconds then recover.
17RLB17 8 Feb, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
Originally posted by GloatingSwine:
I had a lot of stutter whilst I had the game installed on a HDD. Migrated it to my SSD and it hasn't done it since.

The framerate is consistent except for occasionally in Joffre street after leaving a menu, when it'll tank from ~80fps to 20 or so for about 30 seconds then recover.

Mines been installed on a Gen 4 SSD the whole time I've been playing it, so weird...
Ripthorn 13 Feb, 2022 @ 7:18pm 
This is a shader compilation issue, there's nothing you can do about, only the devs can fix it. Maybe you can do something through dxvk async compute.

In my case, it only happens if you turn on Raytracing. The game runs at 120fps with raytracing and DLSS on plus minor fps drops thanks to the shader compilation.
I was able to mitigate the issue by enabling vsync and turning off fps cap
Last edited by Ripthorn; 13 Feb, 2022 @ 7:18pm
Farrell 1 Apr, 2022 @ 12:56pm 
My FX8370 with RTX2060Super M.2 SSD and 32GB DDR3 RAm no problem @ 2k.
CarlosNeri 16 Apr, 2022 @ 6:34am 
Originally posted by 17RLB17:
From the looks of things, I'm not the only person to experience this but does anyone have any solutions to make this game run better?

Whether I'm on max settings on 4k or I take it down to 1080p with lower graphics settings, I cannot get this to run well at all.

I'd appreciate any solutions to this as I really want to play this game.
Yes, this game has a lot of stutters and fps drops. I tested my INI file settings. from FFVII Reamake, and I noticed an improvement of +- 70%. I leave it below for those who want to test it:
[SystemSettings] (I using DX12, think dx11 have more stutter)
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0 ;it helps to load textures right away.
r.DepthOfField.FarBlur=0 ;no blur in scenes and main menu
r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 ; no motion blur
r.Streaming.PoolSize=2048 for 4096 GPU memory ;it helps to load textures( use yor max gpu memory or half it, can test it value 0 too)
t.MaxFPS=60 ;set your monitor hz
r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 ; if you hate AC
r.VolumetricCloud=0 ; no fog can give a litle fps

Its extra: Use these settings to test which one is best.

Last edited by CarlosNeri; 16 Apr, 2022 @ 6:36am
17RLB17 23 Apr, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
Originally posted by CarlosNeri:
Originally posted by 17RLB17:
From the looks of things, I'm not the only person to experience this but does anyone have any solutions to make this game run better?

Whether I'm on max settings on 4k or I take it down to 1080p with lower graphics settings, I cannot get this to run well at all.

I'd appreciate any solutions to this as I really want to play this game.
Yes, this game has a lot of stutters and fps drops. I tested my INI file settings. from FFVII Reamake, and I noticed an improvement of +- 70%. I leave it below for those who want to test it:
[SystemSettings] (I using DX12, think dx11 have more stutter)
r.StaticMeshLODDistanceScale=0 ;it helps to load textures right away.
r.DepthOfField.FarBlur=0 ;no blur in scenes and main menu
r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 ; no motion blur
r.Streaming.PoolSize=2048 for 4096 GPU memory ;it helps to load textures( use yor max gpu memory or half it, can test it value 0 too)
t.MaxFPS=60 ;set your monitor hz
r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 ; if you hate AC
r.VolumetricCloud=0 ; no fog can give a litle fps

Its extra: Use these settings to test which one is best.


Hi, thanks for this! Which of the .ini file(s) am I adding these too? Would you be able to share a copy of yours perhaps?
Bavanity 14 May, 2022 @ 7:47am 
Originally posted by Farrell:
My FX8370 with RTX2060Super M.2 SSD and 32GB DDR3 RAm no problem @ 2k.

I guess Fist works better with much slower computers than mine and all the others :)

As of May 15th 2022, with 8 core 11th gen at 4ghz on all 8 cores (great performance vs noise and heat compromise), 3070, 32GB ram, 1440P, dlss off, RT low, quality settings medium, GFX card using 20% or so and running cool and quiet, as well as being installed on a 4th gen NVME ssd (980 pro), the stutters are regular like they are for everyone else I have spoken to about it.

I can mitigate it by turning off RT completely and not limiting the FPS to 60, but I don't want to use 90%+ of my GFX card for uncapped FPS and have heat and noise because of it, when I am happy with 60 FPS for a metroidvania.
Anyway after 90 minutes of troubleshooting and not having progressed anywhere in the game because of all the performance testing, I just returned it 5 minutes ago as I was within the two weeks. Phew!
But I hope they fix it and I'll re buy it.
Last edited by Bavanity; 15 May, 2022 @ 8:11am
jihuko 19 May, 2022 @ 9:55pm 
I solved the stuttering by manually changing some options in NVIDIA controlPanel->Manage 3D Settings -> Program Settings. I don't know exactly the issue but Triple buffering::On, Vertical Sync::Fast are the ones that I think helped
I have a 3050 gpu and an I5 10th gen, a modest PC in comparisson to others here I think
I am playing at 1440p 60Hz
Last edited by jihuko; 19 May, 2022 @ 9:59pm
hexaae 23 Oct, 2023 @ 3:28am 
I have the Epic version. Nothing really works... mostly placebo or random.
I even tried undocumented UE settings (see https://digilander.libero.it/ZioYuri78 ) in the Engine.ini...

Already tried:
- dx12 mode
- dxvk wrapper (DX11 -> VK)
- adding many undocumented settings in Engine.ini including "r.TextureStreaming=0" to force all texture preload on level loading (which will be much slower, obviously). This BTW proves it's not a streaming textures related issue.
- lowering game settings to Low for everything

Nothing solves the annoying lags/stuttering while running through levels.
Only devs can fix bad resources streaming/memory management.
Last edited by hexaae; 23 Oct, 2023 @ 5:37am
Bavanity 23 Oct, 2023 @ 8:32am 
Originally posted by hexaae:
I have the Epic version. Nothing really works... mostly placebo or random.
I even tried undocumented UE settings (see https://digilander.libero.it/ZioYuri78 ) in the Engine.ini...

Already tried:
- dx12 mode
- dxvk wrapper (DX11 -> VK)
- adding many undocumented settings in Engine.ini including "r.TextureStreaming=0" to force all texture preload on level loading (which will be much slower, obviously). This BTW proves it's not a streaming textures related issue.
- lowering game settings to Low for everything

Nothing solves the annoying lags/stuttering while running through levels.
Only devs can fix bad resources streaming/memory management.

You are spot on. No setting solves it, even if they're taken down to a point where GPU and CPU are not working much. it's the game.

It's the same for me on my new PC as it was on the old one.. 13980HX now vs 11800H previously, 4090m (16GB vram) now vs 3070m previously, same 64GB system ram but DDR5 now vs DDR4, Gen 4 ssd now (7K r/w) vs Gen 3 prior (3k r/w), Win 11 Pro vs Home.
I mean, this thing is running Returnal and Cyberpunk better than a lot of desktops, native 4K for both, DLSS quality, Epic settings - and yet I can't run FIST properly.
Over 100 FPS in the spider man games completely maxed out with RT without stutter no matter how busy the open world is. But not FIST.

Thankfully I returned the Steam version ages ago and on a weekly fee game promo I got Epic version for free by chance a few months back. I actually ended up buying a physical of the PS5 version after that though as I really like the game, and I realised it's just not happening on PC. It's very rare that a console version is better, but it does happen sometimes with bad PC ports. I am happy with the investment as I got the limited edition PS5 release for a great price and ended up paying nothing for the PC version. But that doesn't change that the game needs fixing and I don't think the coders working on the PC version are up to snuff, or they just don't care.

On a side note:

Before anyone says "oh it's because you are using a laptop", my 13th gen processor is stable at 5.2ghz (32.9K cinebench R23 out of the box) when this happens, and GPU at full speed at only 59 degrees. It's the game. And my GPU is equivalent to a 3090 ti desktop or between a 4070ti/4080 desktop. It should be able to run this game. I also tried disabling E Cores in case it was that (16 E cores, so I disabled and left just the 8 P cores, and it didn't help.

I read some snarky comments in another topic just before about laptops, and I find it amusing and think people need to check out benchmarks and performance of the 2023 MSI GT77 before commenting as such, or check their own desktop in comparison. It beats most of them bar RTX 4080 ti or 7900 XTX GPU & 13th gen Intel or Zen 4 AMD and up.
hexaae 23 Oct, 2023 @ 8:38am 
A pity... The game is so good.
Let's hope they'll update and fix it properly in the near future...
Bavanity 23 Oct, 2023 @ 10:09am 
Originally posted by hexaae:
A pity... The game is so good.
Let's hope they'll update and fix it properly in the near future...

I got curious after the discussion so re installed the Epic version.

They have improved it a little IMO.. it's bearable now. Still not ideal, but bearable. I can run through sections at a time and now only when a new area comes up with it momentarily stutter (badly). Must be something to do with poor cache optimisation?

I have it set to 1440P/120Hz everything maxed out including RT and AA on, and it's smooth for a while but those drops are egregious, for example it dropped down to 50 for a second then went back up.

If I put it at 4K with DLSS disabled, I can only maintain around 75 so I just cap it at 60 in that case but it's been much smoother at 1440P with DLSS disabled and unlimited fps in game, capped to 120 with RTSS.

I have tried a bunch of combinations since my post and that's the best compromise. V-Sync made no difference, so I turned it off as there's no point adding the extra input lag.

The reason I refuse to use DLSS in FIST is because there is only an auto setting and it doesn't allow me to choose my own DLSS quality and therefore it could really compromise visual quality if it decides it needs to drop low, as I only use DLSS in quality mode or at a real stretch if I need it, balanced, at the absolute lowest.

The game is heavily GPU bound as it's truly using 100% of my GPU and maxing out the wattage - however, the other thing I noticed is, that I usually lower all P cores in throttlestop to 4.3ghz for a noise/performance balance (I can effectively run the laptop silently this way), but I decided to set them to the default 5.2ghz for all P cores, disabled E cores so all the wattage was devoted to the P cores (8 cores/16 threads), and it maintained the 5.2ghz comfortable and *definitely* helped with the stuttering. I don't know your system specs but I suggest you push the CPU as far as you can and it may help. I am also using DX12 btw.

PS5 version still smoother but it doesn't look as good and RT on at 120 FPS is out of the question, and it was good enough that I got addicted and played for an entire hour since my post LOL, so yeah, it's better than 5 months ago IMO. That could be due to latest Nvidia driver for all I know though as I have zero idea when the game itself was last updated.

Can I ask your specs? Maybe we can work out a balance for you to experience it as I am now, which is actually "acceptable". Are you happy to muck around with cpu multipliers, frame limiters and the like?

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