State of Decay 3

State of Decay 3

State of Decay 2 was ehh
Don't know what they are using to know what players want, but they better start giving more info. I played 1 and 2 and it's time to update alot. 2 was not a big change from 1 in terms of improved art style, mechanics, and story. 2's story was the weakest it's even been and secretly the shortest game ever made. Not only that but the game was a buggy mess. What kind of game just puts a "unstuck" button instead of making sure players don't get stuck in the terrain so much?
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A lot of games, in fact ifs getting more and more common to have an unstuck feature lol especially in open worlds.

Admittedly most AAA don't have unstuck features but a lot of other games I have played implement them just in case haha sucks when you get hardlocked.

I didn't think 2 was that short, but I think I spent between 20-30 hours each on playthroughs but I only beat it 3 times. So not super long either.

However my favorite feature was getting benefits in future runs ror doing certain endings, I hope they keep that cuz it's a nice add on to give a playthrough a feeling of earning something for future gameplay.
The second game doesn't have a story. It's an infinite loop of destroy hearts and complete legacies.
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