State of Decay 3

State of Decay 3

P. Terry Dactyl 21 Jan @ 11:10am
This dei woke nonsense needs to stop
Seriously, it's a zombie game. Stop worrying about gay or trans people. These are fictional characters. It's not going to make you gay or transgender.

Worry about something real like what your families think of you cringelords.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Last edited by P. Terry Dactyl; 23 Jan @ 1:53pm
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Showing 1-15 of 37 comments
rubyismycat 30 Jan @ 2:39am 
Totally agree IRL i dont give a damn about your skin colour your sex life or your appearance as long as you obey the law i will only judge you on your actions and talent please keep communist ideology out of gaming its gaming not Gayming.
But the rainbow flag in one of the screenshots! It's offensive!!

Because we wanted people to have thicker skin but it was all a facade we put on while having rice paper skin ourselves :megshock:
Originally posted by rubyismycat:
Totally agree IRL i dont give a damn about your skin colour your sex life or your appearance as long as you obey the law i will only judge you on your actions and talent please keep communist ideology out of gaming its gaming not Gayming.
What about it is "communist"?
Originally posted by P. Terry Dactyl:
Originally posted by rubyismycat:
Totally agree IRL i dont give a damn about your skin colour your sex life or your appearance as long as you obey the law i will only judge you on your actions and talent please keep communist ideology out of gaming its gaming not Gayming.
What about it is "communist"?

Whatever they can say to make it look bad lol not like we have an active fascist in office trying to forcibly take over bureaucracy in America or anything right now lol
Alex 8 Feb @ 11:29am 
If those were fictional character then why, for the last few years the DEI and whatever tried to force them into gaming, if it's such a trivial thing? It seemed to be a rather huge deal when games weren't saturated with DEI, now that they have been DEI-ed, all of a sudden it does not matter? Really?
Originally posted by Alex:
If those were fictional character then why, for the last few years the DEI and whatever tried to force them into gaming, if it's such a trivial thing? It seemed to be a rather huge deal when games weren't saturated with DEI, now that they have been DEI-ed, all of a sudden it does not matter? Really?

Because they wanna build an immersive world, and that would entail more then 1 skin color... wouldn't it make more sense to make immersion work that it offered things that would be immersive?

Why is it anything with skin color, abd thing that isn't a man is "DEI" what allows then yo add variety without being labeled this? Make it make sense, we have had female protagonist games in the past, games with character that aren't white and it was woke or dei till recently when it was made into a flame war hell scape culture war. Just stop caring and you'll find its easier to enjoy stuff my dude
Alex 8 Feb @ 5:15pm 
You are full of crap, boss. Skin color was never an issue in gaming until your DEI buddies made it an issue, with their political weeping. If you paid attention the western industry never shun any skin color. Going back decades to the infancy of the gaming world, many of the games featured what you and your racist DEI buddies call not white, Prince of Persia, San Andreas, Shadow Man series, Sin.

Nah, the western gaming industry featured quite a few diverse characters, until your DEI buddies figured out they can grift the gaming world, by declaring the gaming industry is racist, as if they had a term of comparison. And the DEI-ing of games basically consists in removing white people from games, cause you DEI types are as racist as you try to imply the gaming world is. So please, spare me the marginalized talk.
Originally posted by Alex:
You are full of crap, boss. Skin color was never an issue in gaming until your DEI buddies made it an issue, with their political weeping. If you paid attention the western industry never shun any skin color. Going back decades to the infancy of the gaming world, many of the games featured what you and your racist DEI buddies call not white, Prince of Persia, San Andreas, Shadow Man series, Sin.

Nah, the western gaming industry featured quite a few diverse characters, until your DEI buddies figured out they can grift the gaming world, by declaring the gaming industry is racist, as if they had a term of comparison. And the DEI-ing of games basically consists in removing white people from games, cause you DEI types are as racist as you try to imply the gaming world is. So please, spare me the marginalized talk.

Can't say I know anyone who claims "the gaming industry is racist" if anything you are correct we had plenty of games where it didn't matter and good games no less, you named a few already lol

But today, those same games might get labeled as "DEI" cuz of it 🤔

What makes a classic like metroid with a strong female classic not dei/woke as the character is reveal a woman at the end, but other games like horizon "woke" ? I don't get it, wasn't an issue in the past but today it is?

This is why woke and dei is irrelevant and not really a thing, it's something to rile you up and keep you in a pointless culture war, as you said it didn't matter before, it doesn't matter now.
What's the line?
Alex 8 Feb @ 5:43pm 
Oh but you do. Cause it's every DEI type. Pushing that grift that the gaming industry shuns non whites and women, which is a gross lie.
And yeah, today those games might be mistaken fro DEI games and that's because of the DEI, that's the effect DEI has had over the gaming industry. That's their taint.

And yeah, you are right, DEI is meant to create conflict in the gaming world, yeah, 100% correct. But irrelevant, no. As long as they aren't removed from the gaming industry they will keep doing this until they destroy the whole industry, which they already bragged about doing, like they did with the games they DEI-ed.
Originally posted by KingOfFriedChicken:
What's the line?
The line is people need to take a page out of Morgan Freemans book and stop talking about it and cut the cry baby nonsense. Stop labeling each other and everything for the sake of brownie points scored with one group or another. That's the major difference between then and now. Back in the day if it was in a game then it was JUST in a game. Today these companies feel the need to wave some flag as a virtue signal to rich celebrities and people who complain on social media that they are oppressed from their two thousand dollar phones and five thousand dollar computers. lol And when you challenge them to make it make sense they throw tantrums and get mad. lol The upside is it's popcorn fun to read mate. Being a glass half full kinda guy and all that. lol:steamthumbsup::steamhappy:
There are Black people, Mexican people, Asian people, women, gay people, and rainbow coloured clothing in State of Decay 2. I just bought the game not that long ago, got over 100 hours and I've encountered all of these things.

So, what was depicted in the game trailer seems to follow what was presented in SOD2. I don't understand the outcry as if there has been a sudden change or shift in the game.

Seems a lot of people who haven't actually played the game are talking out of their bum holes or it's severe copium.

Anyway, I've enjoyed SOD2 so far. Interested in seeing where they take things story/gameplay wise in SOD3.
Last edited by Annamatopoeia; 8 Feb @ 7:01pm
Originally posted by KOOLLAYDTAC:
Originally posted by KingOfFriedChicken:
What's the line?
The line is people need to take a page out of Morgan Freemans book and stop talking about it and cut the cry baby nonsense. Stop labeling each other and everything for the sake of brownie points scored with one group or another. That's the major difference between then and now. Back in the day if it was in a game then it was JUST in a game. Today these companies feel the need to wave some flag as a virtue signal to rich celebrities and people who complain on social media that they are oppressed from their two thousand dollar phones and five thousand dollar computers. lol And when you challenge them to make it make sense they throw tantrums and get mad. lol The upside is it's popcorn fun to read mate. Being a glass half full kinda guy and all that. lol:steamthumbsup::steamhappy:

Hands down 1 of the best 60 minute quotes in history lol

For anyone who has never seen it 😂

Originally posted by Annamatopoeia:
There are Black people, Mexican people, Asian people, women, gay people, and rainbow coloured clothing in State of Decay 2. I just bought the game not that long ago, got over 100 hours and I've encountered all of these things.

So, what was depicted in the game trailer seems to follow what was presented in SOD2. I don't understand the outcry as if there has been a sudden change or shift in the game.

Seems a lot of people who haven't actually played the game are talking out of their bum holes or it's severe copium.

Anyway, I've enjoyed SOD2 so far. Interested in seeing where they take things story/gameplay wise in SOD3.

Yeah I love SOD2 and looking forward to 3, as long as it looks good near launch I'm getting it and likely playing coop :auyay:

Originally posted by Alex:
Oh but you do. Cause it's every DEI type.

Define DEI type or we can't continue in good faith.
Alex 9 Feb @ 1:32am 
Grifters, racists, the kind of people who came to the gaming industry and decided it wasn't right, by their standards, that there were too many white people, that women were too pretty, that the only way to make right the gaming industry is to listen to them. That's DEI.
Last edited by Alex; 9 Feb @ 1:32am
Originally posted by Alex:
Grifters, racists, the kind of people who came to the gaming industry and decided it wasn't right, by their standards, that there were too many white people, that women were too pretty, that the only way to make right the gaming industry is to listen to them. That's DEI.

OK, but who here or ever has said any of that? Who anywhere? Maybe a few loons but most of us don't care lol

We just wanna play fun games, I don't care about their art choices, characters, gender, if it's a fun game I'm in lol
Alex 9 Feb @ 4:33am 
Originally posted by KingOfFriedChicken:
Originally posted by Alex:
Grifters, racists, the kind of people who came to the gaming industry and decided it wasn't right, by their standards, that there were too many white people, that women were too pretty, that the only way to make right the gaming industry is to listen to them. That's DEI.

OK, but who here or ever has said any of that? Who anywhere? Maybe a few loons but most of us don't care lol

We just wanna play fun games, I don't care about their art choices, characters, gender, if it's a fun game I'm in lol

Zoe Quinn, you know her? One of the original grifters out there. She's one of their narrative designers.

But I am amused by the way you put it. Basically saying "just consume dog, don't question, just consume". I'm afraid we are well past that now. The DEI, DEI-ed too close to the sun.
Last edited by Alex; 9 Feb @ 4:42am
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