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13 May, 2022 @ 9:14am
[VIDEO] A look at the Feathers Mechanic
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
robot house 13 May, 2022 @ 6:05pm 
Ok so you don't just throw a feather when the green light flashes? You have to wait a bit for the attack to actually start to interrupt it? I guess that was the problem I had during the demo, throwing the feather too early. I know the video says they want people to figure it out on their own but I think most people would find that frustrating if it's not explained clearly. Calling it an interrupt makes it sound like you can stop the attack at any time, including right when the green light flashes, instead of waiting for the attack part of the animation to come out.
JetstreamAleFix 14 May, 2022 @ 12:04pm 
Unnecessarily complicated :steamthumbsdown:
I don't know if you notice but, after the demo, a lot of people stop wishlist/follow your game.
Make the gameplay less complex/frustrating and more fluid. We are in 2022, Dark Souls is past.
Last edited by JetstreamAleFix; 15 May, 2022 @ 5:00am
sirporto 14 May, 2022 @ 12:27pm 
ça à l'air d'être un bon dark soul :Maul:
avatar2209 16 May, 2022 @ 1:20am 
Originally posted by JetstreamAleFix:
Make the gameplay less complex/frustrating and more fluid. We are in 2022, Dark Souls is past.

And yet, every Time a new good Souls Like gets released its hype and fun to play. Just because its not your Type of Game, dosnt meen everybody dislikes it.

I am looking forward for when its released, Demo was fun and the Setting+Gameplay promising.
Imrür 16 May, 2022 @ 2:28am 
Feel like all the commentaries you got since the demo are pointless...

Honestly. Still the game in my wishlist but the first 2 hours will be with a chronometer. If the parry and the feather are still bad, it will be a good bye.
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