Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

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Controller and Steam Link issues....STILL
There have been a few threads about this in previous years but it would seem that the problem is still there so I though I'd add some extra context of my particular case and hopefully devs will finally be able to squash this devastatingly annoying bug at some point...

So in my case I have the game on Epic and I added it to Steam as a non-steam game to be able to use Steam link all over the house and on the phone as well as try Remote Play with a friend.

Now as for Remote Play - friend can join but has an empty Steam message/notification remain in the center of his screen and he has no controls or sound

As for controller issues....oh boy.... Game works just fine if launched normally but if launched through Steam it completely and utterly refuses to recognize ANY controller AT ALL EVER no matter how much fuffing around I have done in the span of 2 days with various Steam Input settings, desktop layout, controller rebinding in and outside of game, tried turning off Steam overlay entirely along with Steam Input and any other intrusive Steam option - NOTHING works... All of my controllers (PS4, PS5, multiple generations of Xbox controller and several 8bitdo controolers that simulate all of the above +switch and mac) work in either wireless or wired mode when I launch the game normally, but soon as I try to launch it through Steam - keyboard only... Like I said I tried ALL the possible options and googled everything there was to google at this point and NOTHING works....

Any thoughts on the matter?
In case this is completely hopeless and unfixable is there perhaps a simpler option of getting a steam key for the game so I wouldn't have to buy it a second time just to be able to properly enjoy it?
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
I hate to break it to you, but the chances of them fixing a years old issue like are low due to the fact that support for this game is most likely done and it was probably an overlooked issue because not many bought the game on another platform before trying to run it on steam.

I'm afraid I don't know much about an issue like this because I didn't buy this on Epic. I bought this game directly from steam and I can tell you I haven't run into any issues like this steam side. Maybe wait for a sale? If buying it again isn't too much of a bother but I can understand not wanting to buy it twice.
Last edited by FeartheGreat; 9 Jan @ 4:34pm
Originally posted by FeartheGreat:
I hate to break it to you, but the chances of them fixing a years old issue like are low due to the fact that support for this game is most likely done and it was probably an overlooked issue because not many bought the game on another platform before trying to run it on steam.

I'm afraid I don't know much about an issue like this because I didn't buy this on Epic. I bought this game directly from steam and I can tell you I haven't run into any issues like this steam side. Maybe wait for a sale? If buying it again isn't too much of a bother but I can understand not wanting to buy it twice.

As much as I like the game and what the devs were going for with this remake of the classics with some welcome additions on top approach I am vehemently against buying the same digital good multiple times, which ultimately just leads to absolutely shameless behaviour like Nintendo famously wiping your whole library and just making a new store where you have to re-buy everything again whenever they move to a new console.

Especially now that the "oh you didn't really own your game, you were just licensed it" excuse is in play to limit accountability in the industry even further... If I was licensed the game it literally means I am to own rights to it and have access to it regardless of the platform for the duration of the contract - you can't have your cake and eat it too by not really selling the game but then also not taking on the responsibilities that come with what you're saying the transaction actually was and only reaping the benefits while ignoring the other side of the coin...

So no - if I can't get my copy to run or somehow exchange it for a steam version or get a steam key for it to be able to play it on both platforms - I'm not going to re-buy it just to make it fully functional...

Thx for taking the time to reply though, hope you are wrong about support but you do make a good argument.
SAmik37 12 Jan @ 12:47pm 
Sorry to break it to you, but you know.. Steam features designed to work with Steam games, not with games from other platforms such as Epic. If you buy a game on Epic, devs expect you to play on Epic. For Remote Play Together to work, games need to be verified by Steam that's this game actually have split-screen functionality, my guess so that's people didn't waste Steam traffic for games that's not really have any split-screen multiplayer. What you think is gonna happen if you try to use Remote Play Together on non-Steam game? It's probably refuse to work because Steam didn't know anything about this game, Steam can't confirm if your non-Steam game have any split-screen functionality in it and should it give you a permission to use Remote Play Together feature or not. If you want to play with your friend, you better to use Parsec in this case. Parsec works even better than Remote Play in my opinion, and can allow you to play any game \ program instead of Steam's Remote Play that's work only in selected games. For your controller problem I think it's probably because TMNT Shredder's Revenge on Steam heavily uses Steam Input to configure controllers. My guess, when your game detects Steam Overlay it's think you playing through Steam, but you didn't have this game on Steam, so when game try to get default controller settings from Steam Input it's just return nothing because once again you didn't own game on Steam and Steam Input didn't know what to do with your non-Steam game.

To wrap things up, your issues not really "issues" for devs and probably nobody going to "fix" anything because in devs eyes there is no problems whatsoever with Remote Play or Steam Input.. That's of course if we talking about Steam version. So, yeah. Don't want to look disrespectful or something like that, but if you buy a game on other platform you should stick to this platform, and don't expect that's features from one platform to work with game from another platform. And that's it, if you so desperately want to use this Steam features you better off buying this game on Steam
Originally posted by SAmik37:
Sorry to break it to you, but you know.. Steam features designed to work with Steam games, not with games from other platforms such as Epic. If you buy a game on Epic, devs expect you to play on Epic. For Remote Play Together to work, games need to be verified by Steam that's this game actually have split-screen functionality, my guess so that's people didn't waste Steam traffic for games that's not really have any split-screen multiplayer. What you think is gonna happen if you try to use Remote Play Together on non-Steam game? It's probably refuse to work because Steam didn't know anything about this game, Steam can't confirm if your non-Steam game have any split-screen functionality in it and should it give you a permission to use Remote Play Together feature or not. If you want to play with your friend, you better to use Parsec in this case. Parsec works even better than Remote Play in my opinion, and can allow you to play any game \ program instead of Steam's Remote Play that's work only in selected games. For your controller problem I think it's probably because TMNT Shredder's Revenge on Steam heavily uses Steam Input to configure controllers. My guess, when your game detects Steam Overlay it's think you playing through Steam, but you didn't have this game on Steam, so when game try to get default controller settings from Steam Input it's just return nothing because once again you didn't own game on Steam and Steam Input didn't know what to do with your non-Steam game.

To wrap things up, your issues not really "issues" for devs and probably nobody going to "fix" anything because in devs eyes there is no problems whatsoever with Remote Play or Steam Input.. That's of course if we talking about Steam version. So, yeah. Don't want to look disrespectful or something like that, but if you buy a game on other platform you should stick to this platform, and don't expect that's features from one platform to work with game from another platform. And that's it, if you so desperately want to use this Steam features you better off buying this game on Steam

See, the great thing about Remote Play is that, on paper, it's universal and SHOULD work exactly like Parsec (thanks for that btw - didn't know about that app, will give it a go) and it actually did for a while until some updates and beta faffing around made it much more finicky. It's just a remote desktop thing that streams the screen and controls so if a game has split screen, which Shredder's Revenge does, it should be quick and easy to do a remote couch co-op session with a friend...
Now your assumption about Steam input is wrong since like I mentioned I tried ALL the possible setting and previously suggested solutions, starting with shutting down Steam Input entirely, and it just doesn't make even a hint of a difference for some reason.... Unless Valve really went out of their way to make it as needlessly difficult and disfunctional as possible to the point where it really does mess with and block the normal control detection and inputs of a game, which I know for a fact it does not since I don't have such issues with other non-Steam games and Remote Play works just fine although those aren't recognized as anything specific from a Steam library either. Hell - I've used it to play ancient games in couch coop mode on emulators with friends before.
That's why I am certain it is an issue somewhere with this game specifically and not just Remote Play in general since this game is literally the only time I've had this issue. Something in the way it's set up is messing with input and controller identification.
There is some particular element of it that's more than likely not working as intended and creating the issue and it has nothing to do with incompatibility unless it is actually intentional and therefore malicious. I mean, literally wasting development time on something as silly and petty as that instead of making the game better - can you imagine?

If nothing else. at least identifying the issue would be invaluable knowledge for future developments and perhaps even other devs and games or, who knows, maybe Valve and the Big G himself.

All good not offended or anything but I wouldn't go out of my way to defend platform segregation like that since not only is it extremely anti-consumer it also encourages bad behavior and intentional implementation of measures that just hold back the industry as a whole back at the end of the day.... Don't need another console wars since even extremely dense corpo-scum CEOs eventually realized and acknowledged that, as with any war, it's ultimately just costly and counter-productive.
SAmik37 13 Jan @ 5:18am 
After re-reading my own answer I think I poorly explain my thoughts about Steam Input. How I already said, to my knowledge game heavily relies on Steam Input. Considering this, when you try to launch game through Steam, it's probably detects that's it indeed was Steam Client who try to launch .exe file of a game. So game assumes that you using a Steam copy of TMNT and trying to contact Steam API to receive your controller configuration, and there is two possible outcomes, first and most likely, non-Steam games can't use Steam API, which is understandable, because in this case it will be easy just to pirate a game and use it as non-Steam game and still get all features like online multiplayer and stuff. Second, let's assume that Steam Input works with non-Steam games, I didn't use non-Steam feature like in ages so I can't confirm this. But I guess it's not a crime to use Steam Input in non-Steam games and Steam probably allow this, but we still have a problem that's game thinks that you playing through Steam, and in your case your are not, and still trying to get information from Steam API / Steam Input about your controller configuration for TMNT, but you didn't have this game and it's just return nothing as result or it's just how I already said don't know what to do with your non-Steam game. Disabling Steam Input did nothing because you need to disable it specifically for TMNT, which you can't do, once again because you didn't have this game on your account. There also post from devs pined right there in forums that's says same thing that in order to change binds in native mode, you need disable Steam Input specifically for TMNT in your Steam library. I don't know how game works under the hood, all this assumptions comes from my guesses based on my game dev experience, just trying to explain why things the way it is, in my opinion at least, and possible why you encounter this issues. Still, if you just want to play this game with your buddy, yeah, just use Parsec, it should provide smooth experience. Have a nice one and kick some shell! :tmntmikey:
Originally posted by SAmik37:
After re-reading my own answer I think I poorly explain my thoughts about Steam Input. How I already said, to my knowledge game heavily relies on Steam Input. Considering this, when you try to launch game through Steam, it's probably detects that's it indeed was Steam Client who try to launch .exe file of a game. So game assumes that you using a Steam copy of TMNT and trying to contact Steam API to receive your controller configuration, and there is two possible outcomes, first and most likely, non-Steam games can't use Steam API, which is understandable, because in this case it will be easy just to pirate a game and use it as non-Steam game and still get all features like online multiplayer and stuff. Second, let's assume that Steam Input works with non-Steam games, I didn't use non-Steam feature like in ages so I can't confirm this. But I guess it's not a crime to use Steam Input in non-Steam games and Steam probably allow this, but we still have a problem that's game thinks that you playing through Steam, and in your case your are not, and still trying to get information from Steam API / Steam Input about your controller configuration for TMNT, but you didn't have this game and it's just return nothing as result or it's just how I already said don't know what to do with your non-Steam game. Disabling Steam Input did nothing because you need to disable it specifically for TMNT, which you can't do, once again because you didn't have this game on your account. There also post from devs pined right there in forums that's says same thing that in order to change binds in native mode, you need disable Steam Input specifically for TMNT in your Steam library. I don't know how game works under the hood, all this assumptions comes from my guesses based on my game dev experience, just trying to explain why things the way it is, in my opinion at least, and possible why you encounter this issues. Still, if you just want to play this game with your buddy, yeah, just use Parsec, it should provide smooth experience. Have a nice one and kick some shell! :tmntmikey:

When you add a non-steam game it shows up as its own entry in the Library so you can in fact turn off Steam Input for it separately in its individual settings and I in fact did, which still changed nothing... Like I said - I tried all the possible options and all the suggestions I could find online, including this very steam community for the game and nothing seems to make any difference what so ever... I had Steam input turned off individually in the separate game library settings, globally, both at the same time - results are all the same... That's what makes this so odd.
I guess you might be right about there being some back and forth between the input thing inbaked into the game and Steam input which needs to match and get verified or whatever but like I said that's not a problem with any other game that definitely doesn't have any Steam-aware input systems like that so it's still weird.

Thanks for your input though.
Also have this exact same issue. I am using steamlink on Apple TV 4k to stream the game and this game is not detecting any input from my Xbox Controller. Super annoying. Other games work fine.
I can't imagine it's a hard fix I certainly hope devs take note and address it even though the game is old by now - would really show they actually care...
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