

Woollyspider 1 Jul, 2024 @ 12:00pm
give us the game let us mod it and keep it ALIVE
let us finish what you couldn't GGs
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
FilthyAmatuer 2 Jul, 2024 @ 2:53pm 
This - make it open source if you can't keep it alive or provide the options for users to create and host their own servers! - You could release the Dev Kit that you have been using and still have "ownership of the game IP" - Communities could do great things if make some small changes, make the tools & documentations available (through steam or OS) - allow player hosted games, servers to be hosted independently, provide a server browser, add offline mode with bots, and provide what is needed for community modding and/or futher development! At least all your hard work and ideas won't go to waste!

You might even be able to leave on Steam - but you would have to reduce the price significantly - and make it clear what people are buying into!

I bought it a while ago but have waited for it to flesh out more to play - only to realise I never played it and it is being shut down.
No. Next month we just don't pay for the service we subscribed and you lose your game which you paid for. Enjoy your purchase and a sobby post, cheers.

Imagine if it could be happen with any other product. You purchase a TV, manufacturer says "no support, we don't have spare parts", then your TV only shows a a sobby message "we decided to remove all your TVs because you folks ain't made our TVs popular and we lose money, so you are to blame, yeah".
Last edited by that's what she said; 3 Jul, 2024 @ 1:04am
Woollyspider 3 Jul, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
its gone now not next month it stopped working on the 1st im trying top break threw the 400 error code and bypass there servers to play offline... i need help thought
Century 10 Jul, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
devs said they would try to get the publishing rights back from the publisher to at the very least open source the game, so there is a little hope
Woollyspider 11 Jul, 2024 @ 6:44pm 
okay thats what we need ive found a bypass for offline but it means nothing i cannot get games to start as im not connected to there servers.... i need help if i had any chance to progress with modding it myself/ hope the devs can work something out but what i last heard ''two days ago from a chinese friend was that they have sold all of boundarys rights and its been completely shelved with no chance of skystone getting the rights back' ethier way im trying.
also it seems is used unity's multiplay QoS
DSLZ1209 9 Feb @ 10:55am 
@woollyspider 其实有办法
I've seen here we go Modding inbound! 🤣👌💜 make peer to peer for multiplayer and the bot tab ! And we will be golden! This is huge!
DSLZ1209 11 Feb @ 7:19am 
@Woollyspider 什么时候
Originally posted by DSLZ1209:
@Woollyspider 什么时候
I cannot give a date but as soon as I have a team and some spair time I shall work on a peer to peer system to make the game online again i just need to find someone else that speaks chinese to help or anyone thats willing to help! This has been an underlying issue for months this person they would need a somewhat of an understanding of c++ and Python with some unreal knowledge! I could do it solo but translating everything would in its own right take me months if not ever! But for sure things can move forward now thanks to the bypass it's only a matter of time. Ethier it's 6 months from now or a year or maybe never I cannot give an answer as its too early but im sure progress in china / Asia and with someone under ground has already began and we have no clue. I'm a english solo dev with not alot of experience and a huge intrest in Boundary, it's is the game that got me to buy a gaming pc and started this whole journey from leaving consoles and abandoning ps5 so for me this is all very fresh and new, so again I'm afraid i cannot give a time frame from my self but rest assure progress is being made and i shall try to get something happening ASAP if its not already.
DSLZ1209 13 Feb @ 2:27am 
yes i do @woollyspider is my discord handle message anytime :D
DSLZ1209 16 Feb @ 4:39am 
DSLZ1209 16 Feb @ 4:49am 
where do i find the older download for February 2021 / other older versions ? is there an archive someone has made ?
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