Little Nightmares III

Little Nightmares III

Levels feel too video gamey
Having the new kids just teleport into each level instead of weaving them all together naturally completely ruins the experience. It makes each area feel random, and robs the game of any theme or motif that could be draw from the world.

In LN, every section was part of the Maw, and the rooms felt like they made sense as part of a large luxury complex. You had rooms for the guests, places to prepare food, other places to do maintenance or keep the vessel running, it all tied together into a world that felt interconnected and special.

In LN2 we run through a city and what we find in that city makes perfect sense for a city to have. A school, a hospital, residential complexes, everything we trek through in the second game fits perfectly into this environment, each location takes advantage of the setting.

LN3 is confirmed to just be a hodgepodge of different levels and ideas that don't contribute to any greater theme or setting. How does a city in the desert, a gloomy factory or a carnival all tie together? Maybe the latter two you could say something about childhood and innocence or something, and that's all well and good, but the previous games got those themes across perfectly well without needing to compromise each's setting. For all the stuff about the world of these games not being real or grounded, there was an effort by the old team to make their game worlds feel like real, livable places that our protagonists were scurrying through like tiny rodents. Without that effort, or the willingness to work their ideas into a larger setting instead of molding the setting to fit their ideas, this game is on course to just feel shallow.
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We'll just have to wait and find out, maybe we are being teleported by someone. Or we're trying to find someone
Six 24 Feb @ 3:39am 
i completely agree that the game could feel too video game-y, but all the levels are connected through "the spiral" which is all we know so far. low and alone are trying to escape the nowhere, and likely travelling to these locations hoping to get to the centre of the spiral
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