Power of Ten - Demo

Power of Ten - Demo

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rodrigocns 11 Oct, 2020 @ 10:15pm
Tiny little gem in space
Hi, just finished a run in your game.

I downloaded a couple of demos, and this is the only one that gives me the desire to come back to play again (besides Haven and Webbed).
A crash happened while I was playing yesterday, but tonight when I launched the game again to start over, the progress was saved just a bit before the crash (relief!).

I liked a lot the quick and simple style of the game (reminds me a bit of nova drift, but lighter/more relaxed w/ bigger maps and defence mechanics).

For a Demo I think it is great! But for a full game (if its not going to be f2p) I suggest adding more content (but I bet you already know that) and letting people customize their runs as they finish/unlock more things (harder, easier, funnier, weirder), for me it seems like a trend in roguelikes these days.

And about balance, I thought the TimeReversion power is much better than any other power of the ships I had (sidekick, "buzzsaws-saucers", the 2 starting ones, 1 I can't recall and the time traveler ship). They feel interesting, but the timetraveler seems op (Undoing your recently ship damage and ammo spent is so good)

Good luck with your game and I hope the best :)
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
mail2ajr  [developer] 17 Oct, 2020 @ 5:45pm 
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it.

I love the idea of customizing runs with modifiers. :)

Do you have any idea how to reproduce the crash you experienced? I'd love to see if I can fix it.
mail2ajr  [developer] 17 Oct, 2020 @ 5:53pm 
Also if it's not too much trouble can you review the demo? You can use basically just the post you made here but it'd really help me out getting more reviews up there :).
rodrigocns 19 Oct, 2020 @ 7:10pm 
Crash: I don't think I can... =( Maybe because I oppened another game in the background...? I don't know, really, was quite random.
Review: Will do!
Ampersand 11 Dec, 2020 @ 9:19am 
I also enjoy it a lot, and will post a review once I've played enough to be able to talk intelligently about it lol. I hope I can purchase the full version or early access soon :)
mail2ajr  [developer] 14 Dec, 2020 @ 7:25pm 
Originally posted by Ampersand:
I also enjoy it a lot, and will post a review once I've played enough to be able to talk intelligently about it lol. I hope I can purchase the full version or early access soon :)

Awesome! I'm glad you are enjoying it :).
Yggdrasil Burnes 3 Mar, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
Off topic, but you might like Loop Hero too. Power of Ten and Loop Hero are the only two that really stand out to me this round.
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