Power of Ten - Demo

Power of Ten - Demo

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Error Crash found.
///Happened when an enemy flagship jumped out of the system after booting the last of 6 shield generators up. Was using an energy weapon that would erratically duplicate it's projectiles in random directions. Seems like an issue with the modular enemy flagship.
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object o_modular_front_4:

Unable to find any instance for object index '197725' name '<undefined>'
at gml_Object_o_modular_front_4_Alarm_0
stack frame is
gml_Object_o_modular_front_4_Alarm_0 (line -1)

///Also, I don't know how Sub Forums are made on Steam, but might I suggest dedicating a Sub Forum specifically to crashes and bugs? I know you have a discord server in place, but I personally refuse to use the service, and I'm not the only one.

///Oh, and I absolutely adore the game so far. This and Loop Hero have been the only two stand out games for me this round of demos. Last round, only Voidtrain grabbed my attention.
Last edited by Yggdrasil Burnes; 3 Mar, 2021 @ 9:37pm
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
mail2ajr  [developer] 4 Mar, 2021 @ 10:36am 
Thank you for the crash report! The details you provided are very helpful. I'll look into this.

And thank you for the feedback it's incredible to be in the same league as Loop Hero :).
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