

Everybody deals massive dmg and tanks like a truck besides me
Title says it all. All my games are me being like 0/20 even when I have remotely the same souls as them, they just CC chain and kill me in like 3 seconds. I enload all my abilities and all my mags into them, they stay full life all the time....
wtf is this dogwater game
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..this game and many others, if not all the pvp games on Steam, implement some backend controls over character data. CSGO and DOTA2 were the 1st games tht this stuff became really noticeable. I call it "babysitter" mechanics preventing talented and aggressive pvp'ers from dominating in-game. In Deadlock they are fine-tuning this behavior to disguise it as normal gameplay. "every kid gets a trophy" garbage. 50/50 winrate baffoonery.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:21am
Posts: 1