

Nobody likes Deadlock. (Why the game failed explained in numbers.)
At the time of writing the entire discussion page is filled with "invite to deadlock" threads. Do you want to know why this is the only thing you are seeing and not legitimate criticizism to the game or discussions about the game itself? Because out of people who actually played the game nobody liked it. The discussion page is filled with people trying to cash-in on private Deadlock invites, trying to what i would describe as "bait" people into a new hidden valve game, taking the snag of the game's "exclusivity" amongst younger or clueless players, but this is not what we are discussing here. That alludes to the actual point about the game. This is the key reason as to why the game had essentially failed as an experience that players have come to expect from Valve, quality that the studio back in the day delivered and how nowadays this is nothing but dust, as the old days are now gone. What replaces them is a bunch of newer failed products from Valve such as Artifact, Dota Underlords and even Half-Life: Alyx. This is just the time we are living in and this is the quality a gamer would expect at this day and age. It should be clear to those people who actually tried the game by now where the problem of the game lies.

It's this idea that the community had back in the day that Valve only releases quality masterpieces that only shattered the people's expectations resulting in ever-growing disappointment that were led after the failure of Artifact and Dota Underlords. The community had learned that putting their hopes on yet another billionaire corporation that would do anything to maximize profits by putting their reputation at risk is not a wise move in a grand scheme of things and that would only result in more people getting tricked by the business practices forced onto the gamers, i would call them volatile to an extent. While understandable, people have already figured out this very detail and are now avoiding games that they think are gonna fail. Rarely do modern gamers who learned through a hard lesson that jumping onto a bandwagon would result into nothing but crushed expectations and a burnt wallet. This game, however, is free, but what lies in the future is monetization through skins, other kinds of cosmetics. Deadlock game is not free for your time and especially not for those people who actually pay to other people to get invites to the game, a game they don't even know only to understand that all the hype was about the "mysteriousness" of this game. What i also find funny is how people pay not just steam awards to people who will invite them into the game, but actual money that stretch as far as to 20$. Those people then realize it wasn't worth it. This is worse than pre-purchasing, this is investing into empty air.

regardless. for now i'll lay it aside and actually focus on the game. basically everyone who i invited into deadlock admits this is a boring game and so do many. is this a game developed not for them, but for someone else, are they not the target audience? those are the people who invested thousands of hours into Dota 2, more hours into other Valve games. and when they try this game specifically, they realize it is not all worth it. i didn't like it either. i am yet to see a person who truly liked the game and isn't just talking through hype train emotions on the same bandwagon i described earlier. it's time to be critical here.

People haven't actually liked this game for these reasons:

1. It's simply not fun as a shooter, as a moba or both. What this game actually is, it is a moba with shooter elements, mind you, not shooter with moba elements. This is important because that means the moba elements are prioritized heavily over a shooter bit and as a shooter the game falls flat in comparison to Team Fortress 2 which i see the game is compared to a lot. No, the game has nothing in common with Team Fortress 2 apart from some artistic similarities. This is a different game.

2. Deadlock is nothing but a Dota 2 reskin. so yeah, what you are seeing here is a third person, genre blending take of Valve on Dota, only they overdid moba aspects too much which resulted into a poor combat with extremey high time to kill. from a hero shooter people expect to take down enemies through skill and skill only, not through how many numbers or superiorities in terms of stats or abilities they have, not how much they spent on the in-game currency. unfortunately here, this is one of the main reasons where the game is lacking, it's not shooter enough, Deadlock is just new Valve's way to lure players into another Dota 2 like game, those who value shooters, but when actually start playing the game realize it's nothing like what they expected. This aspect makes shooting out of place and a gimmick, nothing more than that.

3. People don't like its art-style. just how many games are there on the market with the same washed out colors? i can name valorant which actually does look quite similar in terms of color. the reason why it looks like that is because they needed something gray and "competitive" in terms of visuals, for the competitive side of things. that leads us to the next point.

4. the game is not fun and no one liked it because it tried too much to be an Esports title. this is a game with esports in mind, not casual fun like in TF2 where you could play how you want and do whatever you want. here it's about ranking, sweating and tryharding. this is not what people want from a fun game. counter strike and dota 2 aren't played because they are fun, they are played because they are competitive, they are also played because both have been very accepted back in the day to the point they grew into their own kind of sports. they are all about defeating enemies, shooting better than someone else or performing better strategy, it's about other players and dopamine playeres get from winning matches and fueling anger of loss. but beneath it all no one really likes counter strike 2 and dota 2, those same people if asked will say that those games are bad and they don't like them, yet they still keep playing them. the mentality behind it i already described, it's the anger of loss, dopamine of winning and the toxic competitiveness that most people don't actually dig. some gamers just value games that offer something to the table apart from blind competition.

5. with the game now becoming more and more popular and valve becoming more open and transparent about deadlock, we can assume that the art-style and the general idea of the game is finished. not for the better. some people would just play whatever was sold to them or given for free, but they themselves don't truly like the game. due to the player numbers from people jumping onto hype and getting those invites valve might get a false impression that people agree with balance and art style, but they are not. this will hurt the game to a greater extent down the line and even if they will try and "improve" balancing of the game, it already took a wrong direction entirely to the point that no amount of fixes would fix the flawed idea of the game itself.

6. because most players are doing nothing but boosting hours and sending out invites, many people think that this game is actually played. not really, for most this is nothing but a clicker game of sitting in main menu and pressing every single invite button to every friend on the list. the actual game in its core gameplay turned out to be so unfun, that most just don't bother.

8. the player counts are jumping erratically and extremely unnaturally. this is a phenomenon called "fear of missing out". people who want that "exclusive" Valve game, many of whom are trying everything they can to get the hands on the game and show how good they are to their friends by sending them invites, (invites that their friends would ultimately not need because they wouldn't like the game) that's because most people got invited either out of their will or because they thought this is going to be another overwatch or tf2 like game, but it turned out to be a dota 2 reskin, only this time that no one really enjoys. this is the point where we would actually look at player numbers of the game and what do they mean.


The player count number from what was personally observed by me yesterday was quite high. Around 100k players started the game, however, it proved to be a temporary one, as only few hours later it dropped to only around 40k players. This is a completely unnatural and heavy spike down, a jump that shows many players suddenly dropping the game. I would explain it as that very exact "fear of missing out" phenomenon which causes abnormal jumps. what's happening right here is:

1) A player invites his friend into Deadlock, tries to prove how much of a good friend he is.

2) That player who invited him deletes the game after inviting his other friends because he didn't like the game. (he would normally describe it as a game "not for him", but many know that this is because the game had failed to gather proper players)

3) His friend would actually play the game in hype, realize that there is nothing to miss out on, after that, at best consider it boring, quit to main menu and then they normally invite other players to the game.

This turns out to be an infinite cycle of invites that boosts player numbers, unnaturally inflates them only for them to plummet a couple of hours later. People are spreading the invites like a "virus" of some kind, but no one actually wants to play the game because no one seems to enjoy it. Keep in mind, that this is not your typical case of a game being in "closed alpha". This is a label that Valve uses, but remember that Steam is owned by Valve and not only Valve are using their reputation and their own very platform that has an immense amount of popularity as their tool to get more players into the game, but they themselves are sending out invites into what you would typically call a "closed alpha", which makes the label "closed" questionable and seem rather arbitrary. Even calling the game alpha when the game's art style, heroes and gameplay direction have reached what looks to be a semi-final stage of development. Calling it "alpha" was nothing but an attempt to safe play by Valve because they are afraid for their reputation. The game won't change too much from what you are seeing right now and it's safe too assume that at this point.

Now having established the explanation behind the player numbers of the game, it is time to make an example of Team Fortress 2 where player numbers are also fake. Many people delved deeper into this aspect, many researches were conducted and it was admitted that the player numbers in Team Fortress 2 aren't accurate. Nearly 90% of the player number displayed on Steam for that game is bots, people boosting hours in main menu or bots. Real numbers were always displayed at and that alone makes believing Valve's player numbers very difficult, as they appear to be fake, not exact and might at that point even be intentionally altered to program players and even their own employees that their games are doing great, but not many people are actually looking deeper into the roots of those issues. Either way, this is where we established quite a lot about the game itself, its fake player numbers and i would say that this is true that players are left unimpressed with Valve's decisions yet again, by them trying to "play it safe", attempting to release another competitive game also by using monopoly they established here on Steam and many players are fed up that they are not getting the good games. Trust in Valve from players gradually lowers and eventually it will be too late.

More information

For more information, refer to my other post dedicated to the observation of Deadlock's player numbers.

Information about Valve's decision to label Deadlock as "closed alpha", despite not being such and in-depth look into causes of such decision, as well as more information as to why the game is already released.
Last edited by Tighty-Whitey; 6 Jan @ 3:03pm
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Showing 1-15 of 128 comments
Caluti 1 Jan @ 11:47pm 
I feel a lot on anger in you young Jedi. Time for that so called grass touching.
Do it Make the Sacrifice
K45 2 Jan @ 1:12am 
Didn't read lol.
You are crazy lol
The true reason is the game doesn’t bring much new players. It makes the game really hard to learn because the beginner population is very low and the game is requiering a lot of knowledge.

+ the fact that most people has brain damaged or not much time to invest in a new game.
dog (Banned) 2 Jan @ 2:32am 
Great game, saddly it's now infested with russians cheating all day long and "people" like OP spamming the same ragebait all day long.
dog (Banned) 2 Jan @ 2:33am 
Originally posted by Caluti:
I feel a lot on anger in you young Jedi. Time for that so called grass touching.
Says the account buyer actively cheating in video games
XAROSH 2 Jan @ 3:20am 
Why do you feel the need to share this so frequently? Even if you're right, what is the purpose behind it?
Game for now looks like ♥♥♥♥
No good mm system
No ranked like before
Patch notes like "+1 and -1 to stamina"
r.i.p deadcock
dog 2 Jan @ 8:27am 
Originally posted by XAROSH:
Why do you feel the need to share this so frequently? Even if you're right, what is the purpose behind it?
This player profile is not fully setup on steam
This means not all data can be seen from the profile
The game hasn't even been officially announced yet lmfao. How delusional are you lol?
NickDrip 2 Jan @ 8:43am 
Profile Location: Russian Federation

Not shocked LOL
what do you guys think about deadlock yourselves? it's important.
Originally posted by NickDrip:
The game hasn't even been officially announced yet lmfao. How delusional are you lol?

So? Doesn't change the fact that it lost 92% players in such a short period. You don't lose 100,000 players in few months for no reason
Originally posted by NickDrip:
The game hasn't even been officially announced yet lmfao. How delusional are you lol?
Concpet of gameplay-mechanics is complete, and this is good and bad side of the game - its so boring and hard for news | casual mass players, Sure tryhards - like this, but to understand this game need to learn a lot of stuff, tech, heros, items. Need to spend a lot of hours time.
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