Storage Hunter

Storage Hunter

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
AlexBBG  [developer] 13 Jan @ 5:09am

We’re looking for players who are experiencing frequent or recurring crashes and fatal errors.

If this sounds like you, please ⁠open ticket on Discord or contact us via LiveChat so we can investigate further.

Discord -
Live Chat -

Thank you for your help!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
I'm having this issue now but I'd rather not do the whole discord thing. I have a separate post with specifics.
The shader has crashed and only yellow and orange colors are displayed.
AlexBBG  [developer] 10 Feb @ 1:07am 
Originally posted by MooreErthdg:
The shader has crashed and only yellow and orange colors are displayed.

Launch the game via Play Direc X11
Originally posted by AlexBBG:
Originally posted by MooreErthdg:
The shader has crashed and only yellow and orange colors are displayed.

Launch the game via Play Direc X11
That helped for about 45 minutes, then the game crashed again and won't start now. :/
I made a support ticket on discord yesterday morning.. is it monitored?
I think I fixed the problem - Changed my pagefile to 64gb, installed the new driver 572.42 forced the game into 1440p through launch options, set all graphics to low, Nvidia on quality, turned off vsync, defaulted my nvidia control panel, removed 4k upscaling and I save the game every storage locker..
Xaggee 14 Mar @ 8:59am 
I found that if I remove any GPU memory overclock in MSI Afterburner I have less or no fatal errors. Using a 1080Ti with 536.40 driver.

Edit: It also helps to have no web browser open and minimize Steam.
Last edited by Xaggee; 15 Mar @ 10:13pm
I'm having a lot of crashes, and I also have a 1080 Ti.

My PC completely froze recently, so I had to restart it using the reset button.

Please provide a quick hotfix :)
bubbarey06 21 Mar @ 11:38am 
as soon as i try to play the game i get a solid black screen and about 10-15 minutes later it says fatal crash. I havent been able to play the game the first time even though I paid for it
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