Storage Hunter

Storage Hunter

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Collectors need a rework
I like the idea of Collectors, however, I think they need a rework. Having to haul items around to these people spread out is quite annoying, and they don't want anything, it changes. This is quite annoying and time wasting.

It would be much better if there was a new tab in the tablet that allowed online auctions to Collectors that you could post items to and would sell out of any of your storage locations at a house. It could either have people who are looking to buy something, so you could sell to them, or you could post stuff, and a time system would randomly check if you have that item for sale, and then buy it if you did.

Just not a fan of the current implementation. It's very player unfriendly.
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They just posted an update with collector improvements. Store your greyed out collector items for future and deliver your highlighted ones that week.

It couldnt be simpler.
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