Storage Hunter

Storage Hunter

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The game will not start.
I've verified the files. I've uninstalled/reinstalled. I've verified again. I get a black screen when the game starts up, then it crashes and I go back to my Steam library. Very frustrating.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
6asya 29 Jan @ 11:52pm 
Same problem:steamsad:
Bird650 30 Jan @ 4:17pm 
I also am having the same problem. Went through just about every troubleshooting method, and am still unable to open the game. I'm hoping a fix or deeper discussion about this issue happens soon
Have you tried updating your graphics card drivers?
6asya 31 Jan @ 12:43am 
Yep,new driver came today and it help!
Ah, yes. That seems to have been the issue. I will make sure to check that next time before posting. Thank you for the tip!
Create ticket on discord.
Try launching game with Vulkan.
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